Using a Loop Station in a Dual Rectifier

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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Anyone have experience doing this? I'm thinking of buying a loop station from either BOSS or Digitech but worried about it working well through the effects loop on my Dual. I used to have a loop station "infront" of my amp and it only sounded good when I was looping clean channel stuff. If I wanted to lay down distortion riffs over the clean looped riff, it became really fuzzy when I switched over to use my distortion channel. I'm sure this was happening because I had the pedal infront of the amp in my pedal chain so I wondered if it would work better behind the amp in my Duals FX loop?

I don't want to run the loop infront of my amp with an OD infront of the Looper but I know some would recommend this. I want to use my MESA for my distortion.
I used a Boss loop pedal, RC 2?, in the loop of my old Tremoverb and it sounded great so you should have no problem doing this. Right now I'm using the loop feature on my Boss DD 6 in the loop of my new Electra Dyne and it sounds good there too!
When you run it in the FX loop of your amp, can you play a clean channel riff and loop it while playing a riff on the distortion channel without the first clean riff becoming distorted?

that's what I want to know-