used Mark IV: Cable Damage & Rust

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May 30, 2014
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Hey there,

I have ordered a used Mark IV on ebay last week and it finally arrived. First I was grinning all over my face, but while cleaning it, I noticed some damage that got me a bit worried.
Unfortunately I don't have much knowledge in electronics, so I don't know how bad it is and if it can be fixed easily.
Also I could not try the amp yet. It is a US model and I am located in Germany so I need a step down transformer, which has not arrived yet.

First a cable is damaged. You can see the copper because the isolation is missing at some places.

And second there is some rust on the "metal box" at the bottom of the chassis.

My question is if the damage on the cable is bad or if I can just use some isolation tape for now. Could the amp get damaged if I turned it on?
Would it be easy to change the cable? Where can I get a new one and what kind of cable would I need?
Also I don't know what the "metal box" on the bottom of the chassis is and what the purpose of the damaged cable is. It runs right into the "box".
I am also a little worried about the rust, but it seems to be only on the surface and I should be able to remove most of it. What do you think? Is it too bad?

Thanks in advance for your help.

ps.: please excuse any mistakes. I am not a native speaker.

edit: the pictures did not work, so I just posted the URLs.
Thank you, thats good news :D
That cable really got me worried for a moment, but its not too bad, I guess.
Yeah tape it up like ryjan said and you should be good to go.
the only thing that would likely go wrong would be your reverb will stop working.
If that happens replace the cable. They are easy to come by and not expensive.

The rust is on the reverb tank cover.
The cover is a separate piece and not part of the reverb tank.
If you pulled the chassis you could take the screws holding the tank in the head cab out.
Then the cover would come off very easily.
(Though I have seen some tanks where the cover was soldered to the tank)
You could clean up the rust with some CLR or emery cloth (aka sandpaper for metal).
Thanks for the answers, i appreciate it.
Meanwhile I could try the amp and everything works just fine. And that thing sounds awesome :D. Even better than I expected.

I've contacted the Boogie Dealer in Germany and they confirmed changing the cable would be an easy fix and I can order it in their store, so I'll change it in the future.

Thanks gts for the tip with the cloth, I'll try it when I change the cable.

I think all my questions are answered now, so I'll take the pictures down.