Tube noise?

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New member
Feb 10, 2009
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I have a triple rec. and the past couple of times I've played it, there has been some crackling.
I've noticed it in all 3 channels, but it's more noticable on channel 3.
Also, it's mostly when I have my guitar volume up, but when I'm not playing.....I've tried other guitars and that's not the problem.
I have replacement tubes, should I just change them all out or look for the one making the noise?
Also, I expected to have to replace the power tubes 1st, but it seems that it's probably the 12ax7s that unusual?
Any help is appreciated.
You can try "rocking" the tubes in the sockets one at a time.If you rock a tube and hear the crackling,it indicates a dirty or loose socket or bad connection on one or more of the pins.
If it is in all three channels, you might look to the first input tube ("V1" which is the one closest to the guitar's 1/4" input). Swap it out for a known good one, and check if that helps. Stokes' idea is also a great one - keeps you from tossing out one that just has a slight pin disconnect.

- Thom