Tube newb...

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
Boston MA
Simple question..

I need to replace the stock tubes on my Mark IV...

I know they are 6L6 STR-440

But what are included in that...? I keep seeing 6L6 GC's?
I also see 430... What do these mean... ?

For example... SHould I go after these...?
Go with any 6l6 you want as long as it's from someone who offers tubes for Mesa specifications. The 430's where before the 440s. The430s don't sound to hot in my opinion. I have heard that the 420s are nice as well as the 454s but no personal use of either of them. I have also heard that the GC at the end of 6l6 just means glass container however their where 6l6GA GB and now GC so I'm not to sure about that. GC is just the most current 6l6 since a long time ago and you can just go and use almost any 6l6gc just make sure you order ones from the major vendors that you can tell you have a Mesa amp and they will get you the right tubes. I personally like JJs and the Electro Harmonix I had where pretty decent as well not a big difference to my ears but I'm no audiophile. Mesa puts STR on their tubes that just means special test requirements.
If you just want to be safe, you can buy them from Mesa directly from their site. I have done so before and have been quite happy.
STR440s are Ruby Tubes
STR430s are Sovteks
STR420s are old chinese tubes
STR454s are Svetlanas IIRC

Just get a new set of 440s and be done with it, or buy some SED/Winged C 6L6s for the best current production tube.

GC does not mean "glass container". It is just the last iteration of the 6L6 tube.
From Wikipedia (so it must be true :D ):
6L6 (metal envelope) and 6L6-G (shouldered glass envelope) were used in pre-World War II radios and Public Address amplifiers.
6L6-GA Post-war version of type 6L6-G.
6L6-GB Post-war version in a cylindrical glass envelope. Similar to type 5881.
6L6-WGB "Industrial" version of type 6L6-GB.
6L6-GC Highest-powered audio version of the tube. Max. outputs -- 32 watts (single-ended Class A circuit); 17.5 watts (push-pull Class A circuit); 55 watts (push-pull Class AB1 circuit); 60 watts (push-pull Class AB2 circuit)