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Triple Cheeseburger

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
sorry this seems like a overdone topic. i sent an email to tube depot asking if they had any tubes that would fit my rectos bias and all i got was a generic email showing me there range of tubes. has anyone bought from tube depot before, and if i specify my amp will they give me tubes biased right?

I regularly purchase tubes from them. I just let them know that they are going into a Boogie and all is good.
I bought some SED 6L6's from them a while back for a DC-10...told them I wanted them selected according to a GT rating of "6" and that's what I got.
I buy all of my tubes from them. In fact I just ordered a set of 6L6's about 5 minutes ago!!!

I tell them exactly what rating I want and they come as close as they can to it.

Like the others said, just put in 'Tubes are for a Mesa Boogie' in the checkout comments and you will be good. They are good people.
Just specify the amp you have in the comments when you order.
I say:
Mesa Boogie Rectoverb Combo Series 2.

They are great!
+1 to all the above. I just received a quad of SED =C= SV6L6GC's for my Roadster and they biased right up at 28-29mA. I told them it was for a Roadster, and wanted a quad to match a GT #6 and they got it on the money.
