Triple Rectifier

The Boogie Board

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first of all, GC is not the place to do that because we dont do any repairs.
you can drop the power by 50 or 100 watts if you like by pulling pairs
of tubes. inner, middle or outer pairs. even pulling 2 pairs of tubes to
drop the wattage down to 50 really wont drop the over all volume that
much, but it will change the sound a LOT. also, for every pair of tubes
you pull, also pull one recitifier tube.
I had a triple before I traded it off for a tremoverb and I asked boogie support about pulling the tubes for a lower wattage amp and they said the triple isn't really designed to do that like the dual recto's were... He said you could do it for a short time to maybe record a clip or two but not to do it all the time because it really messes with the ohms and could possibly damage the amp if done for too long.

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