Triple Rectifier Tube Replacement

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Sep 23, 2012
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Hey guys, I'm new here and new to Mesa Boogie, so this is probably going to sound very dumb haha. But anyways, I recently bought a used Triple Rectifier Solo Head and a 4 speaker cab from Guitar Center. Although it does work very well, the distortion is just not what I expected (or what I demoed in store). Being a used cab, I have come to the conclusion that the tubes are dead (half of them don't even light up) and this is where my question comes in. I found a place where I can purchase the 6L6's to replace my six tubes that I have. But, I noticed that there are 3 more tubes to the right of the six that also aren't lighting up, and I can't seem to figure out what these tubes are/what they do? And if I need to replace them as well? Before I make an investment in new tubes I just wanted to have these questions answered. Thanks in advance!
GLaustra926 said:
Hey guys, I'm new here and new to Mesa Boogie, so this is probably going to sound very dumb haha. But anyways, I recently bought a used Triple Rectifier Solo Head and a 4 speaker cab from Guitar Center. Although it does work very well, the distortion is just not what I expected (or what I demoed in store). Being a used cab, I have come to the conclusion that the tubes are dead (half of them don't even light up) and this is where my question comes in. I found a place where I can purchase the 6L6's to replace my six tubes that I have. But, I noticed that there are 3 more tubes to the right of the six that also aren't lighting up, and I can't seem to figure out what these tubes are/what they do? And if I need to replace them as well? Before I make an investment in new tubes I just wanted to have these questions answered. Thanks in advance!

Those are the rectifier tubes. Tubes lighting up is not an indication of tube health. Before you waste money on tubes, and lord knows the triple has plenty, take it to a tech to have the tubes tested.
GLaustra926 said:
Hey guys, I'm new here and new to Mesa Boogie, so this is probably going to sound very dumb haha. But anyways, I recently bought a used Triple Rectifier Solo Head and a 4 speaker cab from Guitar Center. Although it does work very well, the distortion is just not what I expected (or what I demoed in store). Being a used cab, I have come to the conclusion that the tubes are dead (half of them don't even light up) and this is where my question comes in. I found a place where I can purchase the 6L6's to replace my six tubes that I have. But, I noticed that there are 3 more tubes to the right of the six that also aren't lighting up, and I can't seem to figure out what these tubes are/what they do? And if I need to replace them as well? Before I make an investment in new tubes I just wanted to have these questions answered. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the board.

Do yourself a favor and download the amp's manual

This will explain all the functions (including the tubes) of your amp.

It is hard to see the heaters (orange glow) in the rectifier tubes (type 5U4G or 5U4GB). Try in a dark room. As mentioned the glow is not a confirmation of tube health. I immediatly change the power tubes of any used amp I buy, YMMV.

Congrats on the new amp!

Thanks! Is there any specific online retailer you would recommend for buying new tubes?
GLaustra926 said:
Thanks! Is there any specific online retailer you would recommend for buying new tubes?
Being that this is your first Mesa I reccommend you buy the tubes from Mesa.

The STR-440 6L6GC is a very reliable powertube that sounds pretty good (my 2nd choice after the SED =C=).

Same goes for the preamp (12AX7) tubes with the exception of V1 (input tube). I would use a Tung-Sol reissue there.

If the amp functions fine when switched to Tube Rectifier I would leave the rectifier tubes (5U4GB) as-is to save some dough.

I have used Doug's Tubes many times with no issues.

Do not use any New Sensor brand tubes in V3 & V4. New Sensor brands include Tung-Sol reissue, Mullard reissue, Electro Harmonix & Sovtek. V3 & V4 are cathode follower positions and New Sensor tubes have proven to fail in those positions. Any Chinese 12AX7 (Penta/Shuguang) and the JJ ECC83 (current Mesa 12AX7 supplier) are fine. Read more about that in this post.

I hope this helps,
Ok thanks so much for the info! I was not aware that the tubes didn't light much, but the distortion does sound pretty terrible, and it is an old amp that hasn't had anything replaced since it was bought by the original owner, so it's gotta be the tubes. I've looked over the manual and messed with everything I could think of to make it sound better and got nothing, so looks like new tubes will be necessary. Thanks for the link, I will definitely look to order from Doug's.

EDIT: So looking at Doug's, a little confused at all the options. I know that you have to get 3 sets of matching pairs to replaces the 6 tubes on the left, but i'm not really seeing a set like that I can purchase.
GLaustra926 said:
Ok thanks so much for the info! I was not aware that the tubes didn't light much, but the distortion does sound pretty terrible, and it is an old amp that hasn't had anything replaced since it was bought by the original owner, so it's gotta be the tubes. I've looked over the manual and messed with everything I could think of to make it sound better and got nothing, so looks like new tubes will be necessary. Thanks for the link, I will definitely look to order from Doug's.

EDIT: So looking at Doug's, a little confused at all the options. I know that you have to get 3 sets of matching pairs to replaces the 6 tubes on the left, but i'm not really seeing a set like that I can purchase.

Replace power tubes and preamp tubes. Best thing to do is call Doug or Tube Depot and tell them what amp you have and that you want Mesa spec tubes. Calling is best with tubes.