Triple Rectifier acting slightly weird

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Jul 10, 2013
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Lately, every time I set up my gear and go to switch on my amp, it's dead. Blown fuse. No popping sound or anything. Just cold as a stump. I bought a bunch of fuses and keep them in my road case, so I grab a fuse and put it in- Everything works perfectly for hours and hours. Amp sounds delicious throughout. In and out of standby several times. Gig's over- I switch one more time to standby for a couple of minutes, then power off. Then days later, when I set up to go again- Same thing happens. It's stone cold with a blown fuse.
I'm using 4 amp Slo Blos, all of the tubes seem fine, I can switch at will to either solid state or tube rectifier with no problem, and the amp sounds really good. It's just eating fuses on the sly. Does anybody have any ideas what might be the problem?

rubyfocus said:
Lately, every time I set up my gear and go to switch on my amp, it's dead. Blown fuse. No popping sound or anything. Just cold as a stump. I bought a bunch of fuses and keep them in my road case, so I grab a fuse and put it in- Everything works perfectly for hours and hours. Amp sounds delicious throughout. In and out of standby several times. Gig's over- I switch one more time to standby for a couple of minutes, then power off. Then days later, when I set up to go again- Same thing happens. It's stone cold with a blown fuse.
I'm using 4 amp Slo Blos, all of the tubes seem fine, I can switch at will to either solid state or tube rectifier with no problem, and the amp sounds really good. It's just eating fuses on the sly. Does anybody have any ideas what might be the problem?

Welcome to the board.

You said all the tubes "seem fine", did you put them on a tube tester? You cannot tell the condition of the tubes by just looking at them. How old are they?

I would suspect an intermittent short in a power or rectifier tube.

Do you use Solid State Or Tube Rectifier?

BTW- to just keep throwing fuses at it is like playing Russian Roulette. Sooner or later whatever is blowing the fuse is going to put enough strain on the amp to take out other components.

See if your screen grid resistors are OK. They will be on the PCB that holds the Power Tubes.
