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Dec 18, 2006
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Hey there,
Definately new to the site and need some help with my triple rectifier. I bought it used about 2 months ago and am struggling for a decent tone. Every time I think I have one I get unsatisfied with it when I play again. Mainly I play alot of faster palm muted rhythm guitar and I need something with bottom end too when I just crunch. Is there anyone on here who can help me get a few ideas for some settings? Currently I'm using CH3 on modern with 5U4G and 6L6 tubes on bold and using the high power silicone diodes. My settings are:

Mid: 3
Every time I think I have one I get unsatisfied with it when I play again

The answer is obvious = you are the problem not the amp.

When you thought you have one you need to record it.

Than compare to some recorded stuff that have the tone you are looking for.

Our ears dont follow any rules,sometimes what you eat,the way you sleep change your feeling about what you are hearing.

Record it , compare and make corrections.

Alright, I recorded it once and that's when i really decided it was time to seek help because it sounded really bad. Scratchy kind of when I do quick palm muting, not smooth and chunky like what I hear in other recordings.
did you tried diferent mic placements ?

Scratchy = mic too near of the speaker s center.

My best recordings were made with the mic between the center and the end of the speaker.

Palm mutes need less gain to be tight.
More gain more compression more loose sound.
Try less gain
I saw your values and notice that there s more bass than everything,cut the bass,try this =

Mid: 3

you have three channels. don't be afraid to use them. set up one channel with the bassy stuff and another with the tight stuff. start with all settings at half and then start EQing.

think of it this way:
treble = attack (more is tighter and aggressive)
bass = the woomf. you want to chug, or do trash?
mids = the stiffness. you want to be scooped and liquid, or have some definition?
I think I know what your looking for. Are you used to playing through solid state before you got the Mesa? Let me just inform you first that I had the same issue but mine was brand new. If you play that Mesa by yourself you wont be satisfied with the sound and the feel if your into the type of definition I want. However I just purchased a re-tube kit from Eurotubes and they touched on all my concerns and said what I ordered would definitly fix my problem. I will tell you this, I used all kinds of stuff with my Triple just to get the sound I wanted but nothing worked the way I wanted. I unhooked all the crap and played along with my other guitarist that also plays a Triple direct with no adjuncts and it sounded amazing. I was pretty happy with the sound, very full and powerful. The bottom end is there, sit on one side of your cabinet not in front, hoping you have a Mesa cabinet and listen to the bottom end. I have not heard anything that touches it yet. Period! But to end this long response I would seriously try and re-tube it cause it will be cheaper in the long run. You'll spend all kinds of money for stuff that just dont work and you'll be on ebay selling for less than you bought it for. Trust in that Mesa, if all else fails try and talk with the guys at Voodoo but after you pay for a complete deluxe overhaul you would have been better off selling the Mesa and getting something different. And you still wont be satisfied.

Also, try and get used to the Mesa. It does feel a bit mushy if you compare it to a solid state but you do get used to it after a while. Just keep tweeking, you'll get it where you want it eventually. Also try switching back and forth from Rectifier tubers to your silicoln diodes. I'll keep you posted on how the JJ tubes sound after I install them this week.
#11. "Why do I loose definition at higher gain settings?"

Answer: Ah yes, definition versus distortion. Most of the time I get this question from good players who have practiced and developed good playing technique. This is NOT to say that players who have not been at it for long can't hear this and I'm sure my answer will stir controversy but here goes! There are two basic camps here, #1 players who have a good precise technique who want to hear every little string nuance and want to play with lots of gain, ala early Eddie VH or Petrucci or Satch. #2 players who like a lack of definition simply because its easier to sound like a shred master even if the technique is sloppy.

Now here comes the controversial opinion part of this answer. I like to hear definition and love to hear a good player shred away and this is one of the main reasons I always liked the older European tubes and was drawn to the JJ Electronic tubes when I played and heard them. In my opinion the russian and chinese tubes lack definition and "fuzz up" when saturated. This "fuzz" is what a lot of players refer to as distortion. We hand pick a lot of high gain preamp tubes for our customers who want and need lots of gain but also want the definition and the JJ ECC83S's deliver. If you want or like the "fuzz" then seek out the russian and chinese tubes.

This was an e-mail that was sent to me.
I have found that the JJ E-34L tubes do wonders for what you want. MUCH tighter, but still chug like no other. I also run JJ GZ-34 rectifier tubes in the rectifier setting....they're tight as hell, but have that little sag when you want it. I think that would sold your problem, and only cost you about $70.

I had a recto for a long time. I spent a lot of that time trying to get a good thrash tone out of it - And i mean tight articulate bass for intricate thrash riffs.

I eventually gave up, and now run a 6505+ or a mark IV. The best advice I can give you is this:

1: Consider boosting the signal in some capacity, a clean boost, or the boost from EMGs will tighten the bass.

2: Get off of modern. Its great for nu metal, or sludge, but there is too much gain there. Flip the switch back to vintage, and In my opinion you will find a better note response.

Good luck!
2: Get off of modern. Its great for nu metalGood luck![/quote]

could you tell me some nu metal bands ?
I dont know what nu means .
Well, Korn comes to mind, they are famous for using the Rectos.

This is a friends band of mine. They use the Recto for Heavy, Slow, Chugging. I consider them somewhat nu-metal, great friends of mine, and the guitarist is the man who records my band.

Look for Heavy, Palm muting chugging. That is what I see the Recto modern channel doing best. Reborn to Sin has the best of what im talking about. I think this is the epitome of what the recto Modern does well, their tone is amazing for what they do!

Hope that helps.
Now could you tell me what NU term meens ?
Is it a slang ?
An abreviation ?

prounounced "NEW"

so simply, Nu-metal, is New metal. Focused a lot more on heavy rhythms, simplification, and catchy hooks. Korn is the prevelant example. I would say early Disturbed is a good example. It was a pretty large trend in the late nineties. If those arent enough examples, Ill go look around.
Oh we call them new metal here too
I didnt know that new = nu
U simply by its sound U = EW
Now I got it
I dont like new metal,lyrics are stupid,but I do like some riffs and bridges.
rectos tend to be flubby, their highpass in the early stages is not high enough.put a tubescreamer with no dist, lvl 12:00 in front, back off the gain on the amp slightly.
that tightens the sound so you can play fast palmmuted stuff without any boomy bass etc.
the TS is not used for distortion, but just as a slight boost and to cut some low end before(!!) the gain stages of the amp. (TS is highpassing the signal)
metalaxe has it. last night i fooled with my 7 string with my drummer, nothing but whoob,whoob,whoob! grabbed an old overdrive pedal zero drive, level at like 3`o clock bam! all my notes were clear as hell! i don`t seen to need it for standard tuning though? and i`m running emg 85`s in my 6`s and emg 707`s in my (you guessed it) 7`s

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