Triaxis volume pot issues

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
wonder if anyone has ideas here ,besides calling and sending back to Boogie.
The "B" (smaller inner) volume knob is working along with the "A" till it reaches about midway,then it gets scratchy and blast like it was way above 10.But it doesnt have a volume increase when playing with it half way up till it reaches Maxed volume. I tried to run both wide open and the A side is no where near as loud as the B .
This happened right after I called Boogie and asked about some other issues with LED display on the Lead Drive #2 being half out..and the LD#2 yellow lite doesnt work.
They said they much rather get it back,as they have 1 guy who does all the Triaxis work. This unit is out of I'd be paying one way or the other..
If you can get into the pot, tuner tonic or Caig Deoxit would probably help. However, this fix would probably be only temporary, for a couple of months or so. Eventually you would have to replace the pot.

If Mesa can send you the pot (and the segmented LEDs etc.), you could possibly replace them yourself. On the other hand, the Triaxis is a lot easier to ship than a complete head, so maybe you should just bite the bullet and pay to have the work done by the pros at Mesa.
I know the better or 2 evils is send it to Mesa,and I do have another amp to play,but I'll open her up and see if I can get some Tuner cleaner into it. I did shoot some yesterday into it without removing the knobs and it seemed to help...but didnt fix the volume spike at over half way.
I was just hoping someone would have come forward to say..."Hey,I know this guy thats a Triaxis wizard"...and he lives close.
Thanks for touching base on the issue Ylo.....mucho appreciated !
By the way...Mesa told me the whole display would have to be replaced..guess just trying to fix one charicter doesnt work..or they wont do it.
It is also possible that the back of the pot, which could be attached with crimped metal fingers, has come loose. If so, crimp the fingers back around the body of the pot. This happened to the send / return mix pot of my Nomad in shipping. It was an easy, but I went ahead and put a new pot in anyway. Mesa sent me a replacement free since the amp was new.

The Triaxis could have a single unit multi digit LED display. You can get these from Digikey and other sources, although getting exactly the right one could prove a challenge.
I havent pulled the cover off the Triaxis yet ,but would be pleased if I found that pot "crimped" and not soldered onto a board.
Glad they took care of you. Mine not being under warrenty,one volume pot cant be that costly. Maybe if I cry and moan enough,they'll show pitty and give me a freebie.

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