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Dec 28, 2009
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oK, short story,
I bought a used triaxis. Bought a used older fifty/fifty stereo power amp. Both plugged into a Furman P-1800 PFR, and into a Mesa 412 with v30's. Hooked everthing up and it sounds great for a little while, after a few minutes I was getting a wierd volume drop and a weaker less bottom end or fuller sound. Especially is this the case on the heavy distortion L1 red, it sounds weak and the volume sounds overmodulated, almost like a blown speaker, (but its not). Then the volume would come back up, and drop off again.

I thought it might be the tubes. I replaced them (triaxis and fifty/fifty) with new tubes, TWICE! still having problem.

I thought it might be one of the cables, replaced them all with new george L's. Still having the same problem.

I'm pullin my hair out. When I first turn on my rig it sounds great! It just seems like after it starts heating up everything goes south.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sounds like a bad component, like a resistor that changes value when it heats up. It's possible that a tube went bad violently sometime in the power amp's past and took some components with it. Could also be the power transformer. If that went bad, it could be a short across part of a coil. When cold, the coils do not touch, when hot, they expand and touch.

You will want to isolate the problem. Separate the TA from the 50/50, run each until they get hot and see which changes. You can run the TA into a stereo amp of any kind, and run an iPod through the 50/50.

FWIW, I hope it's not a transformer.

Good luck.
Ok, I will try it without the furman, Crane. And I will try and seperate the two units Elvis. At this point I would be happy to find out its the transformer! I have been struggling and troubleshooting this thing for a week and a half and its driving me NUTS! Any news would be good news.
I am on the virge of giving up on this rig and going back to my standby DRRI setup. The killer is, this thing sounds unbelievable untill she warms up.......then its like, what the crap!

Thanks for your input, I will update you guys a little later.
Hello, I am a French guitarist, I recently bought a Triaxis who have the same problem , often rhythm and lead mode 2, the sound becomes dirty limit of its kind fx (octave) and hop it back normal, for cons I found all sounds slimy and not accurate, I changed my lamp power amplifier (mesa boogie 20/20) and all lamps Triaxis, I also changed all the cables jack, but nothing works! The TRIAXIS is really not accurate at all for evidence, I have a Rocktron voodu valve that is in much better sound than the Triaxis, so I think it a serious problem ....

My Triaxis is in an electronics repairman and I'm still waiting it repaired :?
Thank you to write me if you have the solution
Thank you
Hi, unfortunately I may know what the issue is. I have the problem on LD1 Green on my Triaxis. The Triaxis uses LDR(s) light dependent resistors to cause the preamp functions to change in response to midi or front panel control. The control or midi signal sends out a voltage (that varies according to the setting of the control or the midi signal) whcih emits from one half of the sealed LDR and is picked up by a photo-transistor in the other half of the LDR, that phototransistor is what actually controls the gain, treble, bass, etc. These LDRs (at least the earlier ones) were known for going intermittently bad (fading in/out, not working for a while and coming back). They can be found, and if you can solder carefully, they can be replaced. I didn't note where you were from, is sending it back to Boogie for repair a possibility? If not, you may find a local, Boogie approved repairman.