Triaxis, the same old question V.1 - V.2 - phat mode?

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Apr 11, 2009
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Hey everyone, I have the same old question. I bought the triaxis the year it came out 91-92? I'm currently looking to buy another. I hear the phat mode is no good? this pertains to what? what channel does the phat mode utilize and what does it do to it? are there any other differences between the V.1 and V.2 ? Someone suggested that the original triaxis is the best one, something to do with the circuit board? is there a way to identify the units by the serial number? Thank you very much to whomever takes 2 min. out of their day to help me out.
I was under the impression that none of the TriAxis versions came from the factory with the "Phat Mod" and that the mod was mostly just a revoicing of the Dynamic Voice control. From what I've read, it seems like there was the first version with no recto board, a version with the recto board, and the newer version without it again. But somebody correct me, cause I'm probably wrong. I think it's high time we compiled a TriAxis sticky to address all the versions, mods, and problem fixes.

Thank you very much for that info. That is a thorough explanation indeed. I notice you responce suggested that you don't like the phat mode, your reply reads:

"... Unfortunately many shipped with the phat mode...."

Is the phat mode considered undesireable by most? I've never had the opportunity to play one.