Triaxis problems

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I don't play throu' my triaxis that much, so I'm not sure if this is a problem or not. I get very little volume through one of the triaxis channels. I thought that the output from the triaxis was equal in both channels. if i plug a lead from the fx send to the low volume channel's return it cuts the volume completly.
Do I have a problem - if so any ideas?
sounds like you have a bad LDR or bad jack. There will always be a little bleed over so that's probably what you are hearing. I had a couple of LDRs go bad in my TA that killed my effects send. There are a couple of things that you can do: 1. get a Y cable and use that from the good channel and call it good, 2. use a stereo effects processor between the amp and the TA 3. take it to get diagnosed or diagnose it yourself(will most likely require soldering) or 4. give it to me and buy another one :)

There's a thread i posted a few months back that someone revived with a similar problem a couple of posts below. You should check it out for reference.

Thanks Greg for the information, not sure if I'll go with 4, it may be a liitle bit too expensive :lol: especially from the UK!
Will search for your previous postings in the morning.