Triaxis help

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New member
Apr 27, 2008
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I am getting a low level buzz wherever I use my triaxis. I have tried ground lift and much troubleshooting with no results. I have disconnected everything from it and it does not help.

In certain concert settings it increases dramatically. any ideas? It is almost unusable.

thanks. :?
What other equipment do you have connected? What brand of cables? Is the ground plug still attached to the power cable? Do you use any pedals? What kind of guitar?

I have disconnected all pedals and other gear and it is still there. I am using great cables. I am pretty sure it is coming from the unit. I am suspect of a cold solder joint or problem within the unit. thanks..I appreciate ideas.
Sorry to go on but to hear it hum, you must have it through a power amp, am I right??

'Hey remembered the 'edit button'.........any-how we need to know how the tri is being wired up to hum? and tell us to the exact(ness)you can the way you are using it!!!!..........
mesa 2:90/ however I have tried other amps I have. same problem. I just took the TRI out of the rack and tried it stand alone into an amp. still buzzing! The tubes sound microphonic upon tapping....could a bad tube cause the buzz? I probably need to replace all of them....OR.. could be a cold solder joint on the board...? yes?

There is no way to pinpoint your symptoms given the very little testing you have told us about.

First, try new tubes or move the tubes around. I would say move V1 around to position V3 or V5 and see if the buzzing stops. V3 and V5 are always on so if the buzzing is for all of the channels then it would be a good indicator of where to check first.
