Triaxis + G-Major 44kHz or 48kHz?

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2011
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Hi guys

I can't find on the internet (neither on the manulas) wich are the advantages and disvantages of the 2 different settings on the G-Major (internal clock 44.1kHz and 48kHz). I know that in the end I'll go for the "let your ear choose" but I'm just looking to understand why T.C. Electronics put an higher-end and lower-end sample rating in the same device wirhout explaining why/when to choose one or another one.
There is a slight difference in quality, but not much. For your purposes you should consider it more as a compatibility issue when using digital sources.

The G-major allows you to use digital inputs and it automatically selects the sample rate which is relevant to the digital source you are using. For example, if you ran a CD player into it via a digital cable, the Gmajor would automatically sync at 44.1 kHz. If you ran a DAT machine through it, it would sync to 48kHz. I chose those simple examples because those machines have native 44.1 and 48 kHz sampling rates respectively. Of course, you can set audio interfaces from computers to either sampling rate. It would just come down to what rate you prefer to use. Obviously 48 is slightly better, but most people can't hear the difference.

The analog circuitry can also select between the two rates but it really is virtually indistinguishable - that's why the machine defaults to the lower rate. With a lower rate the processor is less likely to get overloaded with a patch that has heaps of effects in it.

In the end, yes, you have to let your ear decide - but I seriously doubt you'll pick the difference. So relax and forget about it!
ando said:
So relax and forget about it!

Thanks for the quick and usefull reply, I've tried to A/B the thing but I can't really tell if I'm able to spot any difference and, probably, there isn't any audible difference (at least in my specific case) :)