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Mar 17, 2006
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Hi all,

I have a TriAxis v.2 It's functioning properly, but I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the increment of the master volume. So, instead of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, I want it to have .5 increment from 0.0

Is this possible to be done without sending the unit to Mesa?

Just a guess, but I'm assuming it's being controlled by some kind of binary switch, which would give you (I'm guessing) 2^4 = 16 maximum choices. Just a guess.
JLagoon said:
Hi all,

I have a TriAxis v.2 It's functioning properly, but I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the increment of the master volume. So, instead of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, I want it to have .5 increment from 0.0

Is this possible to be done without sending the unit to Mesa?

As far as I know, it is not possible to change the programming so you can have 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 options. That would necessitate some customization to the software. What are you trying to accomplish with this? I wonder if a preamp tube change can help you get to the hair less or hair more gain/volume you want?

- T
As far as I know, it is not possible to change the programming so you can have 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 options. That would necessitate some customization to the software
totally right that is software instructions you need to reprogramete the eprom with the correct assembly code.
t-wolf is more tubeman that me, he looks to swap a tube and I think that you could change your values assigned to the parameters simply by changing the resistors´s array that govern the master.
This seems to me to be a moronic point. There is no reason for that control to be broken down into increments that small. The hell with reprogramming anything. Just use the TriAxis OUTPUT knobs (far right) for this.
t0aj15 said:
This seems to me to be a moronic point.
Maybe to you, but clearly not to him. I have had moments when I wished I could finesse the lower-levels of the settings, but mostly that's for gain or drive. It doesn't matter what the reasons are for asking a question. Please - a little more respect goes a long way.

- T
hey timbre if you want a better accurate on lower master settings I think that the best way is to customize your resistors´s array.
the master is a voltage divider so the resistors array gives you the values for that purpose.
when you select a parameter on the TA interface the microprocesor send a order to the analog multiplexer to open or close the path to he correct value of the resistor array, so... would you like a fine tuning on lower master values?, then please replace the resistors R1C, R2C, R3C and R4C fitted on the tx2 board with another lower values. :wink:
oops I didn´t read that you want the drive and gain lower values more accurate....
If you want it, the idea is exactly the same, just replace the resistor´s array with another with lower values that ables you to get a more accurate parameters.
The only handicap is that the gain circuit isn´t just only gain, because it is at the same time a filter and pre-eq circuit, so I don´t recomend to touch the gain resistor´s array, but if you want I could give you the values of resistors for lead1drive and lead2drive.
Timbre Wolf said:
I have had moments when I wished I could finesse the lower-levels of the settings, but mostly that's for gain or drive.
With as much time as there was spent on designing this preamp I'm sure Mesa took all these factors and many more into consideration long before releasing the final product. Everybody wants their own personalized version without taking into account these things are designed and built to satisfy thousands of people not one or two. I think people who complain about these very small issues should complain less and instead learn how to work with the unit as is.
Thank you for all of the replies! I really appreciate it.

Of course, I understand that Mesa built the TriAxis to satisfy all of its customers.

The purpose of having 0.5 increment on the master volume is so I can use the master volume of the TriAxis with MIDI CC for volume swell.

Fatboy and T-Wolf, is changing the resistor array value possible to accomplish what I intend to do? Is this a costly operation? Or should I just send it to Mesa? What would be the cons of lowering the value of the resistor array for the master volume?

Regarding preamp tubes, I have settled with JJ tubes. I have also settled on the rest of the parameters, except the master volume.


t0aj15 said:
I think people who complain about these very small issues should complain less and instead learn how to work with the unit as is.

I agree with you to a certain degree. Would you say the samething to James Hetfield if he wanted his TriAxis in a particular way? I mean, Mesa even offers to customize the dynamic voice of the TriAxis. Mind you that I am not some newbie who gets tired of tweaking his TriAxis and asks for personal customization. I am only wondering if the master volume increment can be changed; this would be a wonderful thing.
t0aj15 said:
I think people who complain about these very small issues should complain less and instead learn how to work with the unit as is.
Yeah, when it comes down to splitting hairs, a guitarist's time is better spent playing guitar, rather than becoming an obsessive technician. I agree with you on this, but it would come across better if you could say it in a less judgemental manner. Personally, I wouldn't spend my time changing out resistors (thanks, anyway, FB135! And sorry, JL, I don't know how much effort it takes to accomplish this).

There comes a time when Saint Francis de la Zappa appears to me with his holy writ: "shut up and play yer guitar!!" - and I must bow down and kick out the jams.

- T
ok all people are agree to mesa try to get a general triaxis for everybody but the trouble is that triaxis try to cover so many purposes since the blues to trash metal.
after 4 months working all time with the triaxis I get the conclusion that triaxis doesn´t needs to get any mods, but.....
I now that there is some people that really needs some mods, maybe because they don´t know how to get the 100% of the TA, maybe because when they were young they were hetfield fans and now they wants to be SRV, and so others maybes....
I think that any mod that needs more than 4 components replacement is a really waste of time, and maybe the amp will never cover the expectations of the user.
Really mods are needed to a fine tuning your amp, like " my amp is wonderfull but I need a bit more bass ", is a good mod, on the other hand there are so many people that wents to me with a jcm800 and saids " hey man I want a bogner " and I say marvelous so just buy it on a shop, because if I mod the jcm800 into a bogner it will costs more than a bogner new.
ok another matter to discuss is why some people are so purist with his sound??? if you are a punk guy playing gigs with a fat drummer that kick the bass drum like a quarterback why do you want NOS tubes, maybe you will be so drunk the people will be shouting the singer will be collapsing your ears and I think that you will not able to get some differences between regular tubes and NOS tubes.
On the other hand we have the classical guitar player that plays on his home with an amp, he is purist, he is looking for the best sound and he tries to mod his amp for the best tone. I ever asked is your amp a class A amp??? no??'? then don´t waste your money first of all get a class A amp and then back to me and talk about mods.
There is another great matter, is it really necesary to waist so much time looking for the holy grail sound???' If you are researching on mods for your amps you are maybe wasting time of your picking tecnique.
I remember once a time I see Steve Morse playing on a clinic with a peavey bandit, hey man believe me that picking and sounds becomes from his wrist. no mod amp no holy grail sound and no mod could achieve this perfect articulation notes that becomes from these ****** bandit.
I think that getting a great sound is a good matter, but if trying to get the holy grail sound becomes into a psicosis that makes you to feel unhappy so dude take the amp to ther river.
I still remember one of my first topics about the orange drop caps, there were some people that recap all the amp :shock: so man are you crazy???? do you want to waist your time???? are you a purist sound???? maybe a psicosis,¿??' are you trying to get a perfect sound due a lack on your tecnique???? my answer is q great no, I will not recap my amps, even as working as a tech I will never loose so such time on my amps, or on my customers amps because it will be so expensive for my clients and a bit nonsense, thinking that you can buy a TS9 and get into another dimension.
My conclusion is that maybe a 4 components replace is a good mod, more components replace is a waist of time, and I prefer to waist these time playing my guitar or ****** the girls ;)

Ok jlagoon if you change the resistor´s array this will not produce that there appears the .5 on your display but you can get a custom values for your parameters.
Think that TA is an analog amp manage by a digital enviroment, so the resistors arrays tries to emulate the classical pots positions, with the help of the microprocesor and the multiplexer when you select a parameter value you will be emulating a hand that turns your pot into a determinate position. The uprocesor sends an order to the multiplexer and the multiplexer choose the correct value of the resistors array that emulate this classical por.
If you want to get more accurate on lower values I recomend to you to mod the lower values resistors, research for your custom values that makes you to feel good, and remember never more than 4 components, if you need more than 4 maybe TA is not your amp.
I think that this mod is not difficult, but think that I´ve been working on amps since 4 years ago and I don´t remember how difficult was my first steps.
Then only difficult matter is that the triaxis is a great complex circuit into 1 rack space and all the components are quite together, so be careful wit that matter.
P.D: I think that this mod is not really difficult, the most difficult thing is to get into the TA philosophy, when you understand that philosophy changing components is not so difficult.

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