Tremoverb reverb range

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
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yet another question for all you TOV owners out there about mine:

are the reverbs on all of these on the weak side? what i mean is, there's not a ton available. at least on my tverb combo. there's also not a huge change in the amount of reverb that i hear as i move the reverb pot through its range. don't get me wrong, i can hear a difference, say between the 9 o'clock position and diming it, but it's not as big a difference as on some other amps. i owned two of these models in the past, but back when i did, i NEVER used reverb so i don't have any memory of the tverb's reverb range to reference my current one to. the red channel's reverb is weaker than the orange channel, but i believe that's by design according to the owner's manual. just thought i'd ask in case there's supposed to be a ton of reverb on tap. the other thing i noticed is that the reverb kind of has a "ducking" effect in that you almost don't hear it until you quickly mute the strings w/your hand.
I am able to get a pretty wide range of reverb out of mine. With the reverb dimed it is very deep - at least noticeably thicker than the lower regions of the control.
Loads on mine too - I rarely use it above 11 o'clock, and I like a lot of reverb. It can get into that Fender underwater/cave range when it's up all the way. I haven't noticed much difference between the two channels, and going from the schematic there should only be a very small difference.

Check that the cables are connected the right way round - just reverse them and see if it gets stronger. If not that, it could be V1 (reverb return as well as input gain stage), V5 (reverb drive), a fault in the tank, or the switching LDRs - especially if one channel is a lot stronger than the other, since all the other components apart from the LDRs and the actual pots are common to both channels.