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Hello all, I recently purchased this early attached power cord tremoverb serial in the low 3500's.

I've owned a rev g dual rec before, and pretty much every one of my favorite guitar tones is a recto.

the problem is, this tremoverb... doesn't sound very good? i'm well aware that rectos are loose amps but this particular amp feels very very loose and seems very very under gained. where a normal rec/tremo gain would be at like noon it would be the equivalent to dimed on this one.

i'm assuming it's tubes, it was sent to mesa a few years ago for the LDR fix proven by paperwork. I haven't seen any recent threads with currently available recommended tubes for this.

looking to get the most aggression and to tighten it up if possible as I play a 27" 7 string in drop F.

the current power tubes are JJ's 5881's, the preamp tubes are all different, some JJ some i don't recognize. it has no mesa tubes.
