Tone differences at different ohms?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2014
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I was wondering whether there would be any difference in tone between running an 8ohm cab through the 8 ohm cab or running the same a 4 ohm cab through the 4ohm tap.
assume same speaker, 8ohm in first case (or 2x16ohm parallel) and 4ohm (or 2x8ohm parallel) for the latter. No mismatches.
something about how much of the tranny is used at different ohm settings iirc?
like not all the tranny is used at lower ohm settings etc. is there such thing or is it BS?
IOW, does speaker load make a difference?
any ohm value better for any reason?
I'm not tech-savvy when it comes to amps so forgive my ignorance.

I'm buying some neo speakers as I messed my back and I'm concerned that I won't find 2x16 ohms in stock. So I'm wondering whether using 2x 8ohms through the 4 ohm tap will make a difference?
OTOH I guess I'm drastically changing the tone anyway since I'm changing speakers but thought I would ask regardless.
Amp load does make a difference. I notice a difference when I run two 8ohm cabs vs one 8ohm cab. (they are 2x12 vertical cabs with 16ohm speakers in paralell) Not meaning to sound like I know everything, cause I don't but everything you do will effect the sound/tone. The Mark V is a very sensitive amp. I had to adjust guitar pickup height to kill the "Ice Pick" sound I was getting. Something I did not get with my other amps. I got the information about the pickups here in this forum.

This Forum is invaluable when looking for information. Lots of very knowledgeable helpful people with very good advice. Many of whom have had the same issues or just lots of experience with amps and guitars in general. And thank goodness they don't mind repeating themselves when a frustrated or bewildered fellow musician asks a question. A question that the have seen 100+ times.