Time for new tubes in my DC-5. Need some help

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Jan 3, 2012
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So as the title states I believe its time to put some new tubes in my DC-5. I currently have 2 Mesa Boogie branded Svetlana 6l6 GC STR 440 power tubes and all Mesa Boogie STR SPAZ7-A preamp tubes with the exception of a tung-sol 12AX7 in V1. Im only looking into power tubes right now because I can't afford a full retube at the moment. Im going for something a little bit darker and not so grainy sounding also with a little bit more focused bottom end. I've heard the JJ 6L6's will get me that I think? Im not really sure where to start or what to look for so any help is greatly appreciated!
I never had an issue with an unfocused bottom with that amp so I'd guess it's definitely time for power tubes. I used JJ 6L6's a couple of times with fine results. To be honest I never noticed a much of a difference between them and the Mesa tubes. The big difference is a fresh set vs a worn set.

A Mullard reissue CV4024 12at7 in the phase inverter (V6) may help tame the graininess. It worked wonders in my Roadster. Well worth the $20 I paid for it. It seems to decrease the overall gain on tap by a very small amount, but the DC has all the gain you'd ever need and then some.
I use a lot of drop tunings so that leads a lot of bass haha. But I might go for the JJ's and a Mullard then.
If the larger capacitors are original you might check those out just because the amp is getting old. It was explained to me like this after I did a cap job on my DC:

"The reason it sounds better is that the old caps could not handle the lower frequencies. It takes more energy to push lower frequencies than higher ones. So, essentially, the amp was asking more than they could deliver."
MJ Slaughter said:
If the larger capacitors are original you might check those out just because the amp is getting old. It was explained to me like this after I did a cap job on my DC:

"The reason it sounds better is that the old caps could not handle the lower frequencies. It takes more energy to push lower frequencies than higher ones. So, essentially, the amp was asking more than they could deliver."

The caps were replaced in that amp a few years ago. :D

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