Thinking about trading my LSS for a Stiletto!!!!

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
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I really like the clean channel on my LSS however I do not like channel two at all and never use it.

I played a Stiletto yesterday at guitar center and was BLOWN away by Channel two...I was even able to get a good clean tone out of it on Ch1.

Anyways I was thinking of trading my LSS in for it.....what say you guys? Should I or should I not?

UGH...I hate decisions!
Personally, I think the Stiletto is the best amp Mesa has put out. I'd go for it. But then again, I own a Stiletto. :wink:
I'm waiting on my Stiletto to get here today. Shouldn' t be much longer! Only an hour or so. I think the Stiletto beats the pants off of a LSS. The LSC is a little closer, but the Stiletto still does much more... I say go for it!
Love my Stiletto after switching from a Rectoverb. Just an amazing amp, kinda like a Marshall without the reliabilty issues.
I LOVE MY STILETTO!!! Still after six months! I think it eats every other amp alive! :D :D
I'm happy with my Ace (traded a DR for it). Actually I'm quite impressed with the cleans and versatility. The 2 clean modes are completely different voicings on channel 1, plus the myriad things you can do with your eq and guitar volume.
Now that I am an official owner of a Stiletto.... I say do it and don't hesitate! It's a very versatile amp with killer tone...

If you aren't into Channel 2 in your LSS, you gotta try the Reeder mod before dumping it. That is, if you haven't tried it already.

It's easy to reverse, and it just opens things up tremendously. It's night and day. It's like all the teeth and definition and responsiveness that was missing comes back in spades. It becomes a direct extension of Ch1, but with menace. And for R&B, you just can't get much better. (Well, maybe with an LSC ;) )

I wish I had a Stiletto to kick around, but I'd never trade my Lone Star in for one, especially after making this tweak.
Seems a bit strange that you are making that type exchange . Those two amps are nothing alike nor were they ever intended to be . The Lone Stars are more of a mid gain amp where as the Stilettos are much more of the high gain approach . I have the Deuce and the LSC . I love them both but they do something quite different of each other . How are you tweaking channel 2 ? Maybe you are using too much bass . I dont own the LSS but the bass control on my LSC on channel 2 is almost off ! Im not knocking what you are doing but it seems you arent sure of what type of sound you are after . If you are after what a Stiletto does it seems strange that you ever went in the direction of a Lone star . Good luck all the same .
Barry said:
Seems a bit strange that you are making that type exchange . Those two amps are nothing alike nor were they ever intended to be . The Lone Stars are more of a mid gain amp where as the Stilettos are much more of the high gain approach . I have the Deuce and the LSC . I love them both but they do something quite different of each other . How are you tweaking channel 2 ? Maybe you are using too much bass . I dont own the LSS but the bass control on my LSC on channel 2 is almost off ! Im not knocking what you are doing but it seems you arent sure of what type of sound you are after . If you are after what a Stiletto does it seems strange that you ever went in the direction of a Lone star . Good luck all the same .

I understand they are nothing alike. I think I am just trying to find what works best for me and to do that I just have to gig with different amps. I just changed the rider for my band to have back lined a Stiletto Deuce to see how it performs in a live situation. I have been using the LSC lately and I just haven't really been able to dial in the tone that I like. Well at least not super consistently......sometimes depending on the LSC I can dial in something. At home I own the LSS and use it for local gigs but when I am on tour with my international touring band I have everything backlined.

I admit my post sounds odd and I am glad you picked up on it. You are perceptive! I have owned a kazillion different type amps and one I miss is my Marshall half stack. I don't want to go back to using Marshall and is why I am leaning towards trying out the Stiletto.
If you are a Marshall fan AND a Mesa fan then the Stiletto is right down your alley. I say do it! Since it's your home rig it's not going to be the end of the world if you decide you don't like it. I think you will love it though...
djw said:

If you aren't into Channel 2 in your LSS, you gotta try the Reeder mod before dumping it. That is, if you haven't tried it already.

It's easy to reverse, and it just opens things up tremendously. It's night and day. It's like all the teeth and definition and responsiveness that was missing comes back in spades. It becomes a direct extension of Ch1, but with menace. And for R&B, you just can't get much better. (Well, maybe with an LSC ;) )

I wish I had a Stiletto to kick around, but I'd never trade my Lone Star in for one, especially after making this tweak.

To be honest I am not one of those guys who likes going into their amps and doing that kind of stuff. I guess I could give it a try. It wouldn't be for a while though. I am heading on a short tour for two weeks. I am interested in hearing how it sounds.

I wish someone would put up some before and after sound clips so we could hear the difference.
Well.... ok.

There's a reference to this buried in the Reeder mod thread, but I'll float it again at the risk of embarrassing myself again within an inch of my life. :roll:

Here's a link to a folder on my site with a handful of clips, which were recorded on either side of the pre-/post-Reeder mod divide on my amp. The list shows the dates of the clips; everything from March 2008 on is post-mod.

The LSC_Clone clips are me mumbling my way through comparing ch1 & ch2 after the mod, the issue being whether the clone effect was real or not (for all intents and purposes, it is).

My caveat is that I wish I had my act together as far as recording these clips go. I don't have a good place to do it, so they're just me in my apartment -- bedroom levels -- in a hurry and and entirely unscientific. So factor that in. They aren't slick, but they're something. I also have a couple of live clips on YouTube, one of which includes a solo on an unadorned modded Ch2.

Here are the clips:

Here's the YouTube: