"The time, is magic." (MKIIb)

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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"The time, is magic."
here's a clip, that shows the tone you can get in Position #4 on the vintage white strat, with a Bill Lawrence 500L Humbucker and a middle position L280 pickup together, along with a Q filter on the tone control, that varies the inductance on the pickup(s) (it shows position #2 in the pic)


rig shot: (position #2 on the pic) 1=neck, 5=bridge
holy crap gonzo....that was smoking! loved the track and the tone was just delicious.....smooth yet in your face enough to have some great spank to it. i enjoyed this one alot!
thanks man, i appreciate that.
i worked on getting that 'spank' but some clean to it to....
thanks to the mark2b clean channel, getting driven hard.
the capture, was with the palmer pdi-09.

appreciate your listening, b.
yeah, it's short, just like the good old beatles songs!
maybe this one is 2 minutes or so....
Holy ****, man. :eek: Loved the way the spankaloony tone went with the powerful beat and groovy bass line. Not even gonna waste words on the top-notch playing.

Next time you throw a juicy bone like that and not give us more I'm gonna come and kick your ass personally :lol:
thanks man!
that made me laugh out loud....
you know, if i make these things just one more minute long, everyone else's eyes start to glaze over.

only the guitar players really dig it....
i've found, that the shorter the instrumental, the more likely foks other than guitar players will give it a shot.

the bass line was a blast to play, i could just play that line for an hour straight....

and then they call you a ******!!
the amp is set on the lead channel, but real clean, just breaking up when i dig in.

the guitars are all pretty dry, except the solo guitar, which has a little slapback echo on it.

any warble you hear, is me working the vibrato bar on the strat.