ohhhh som many info, ok I checked the jp.com and there is not many info about the presets.
I tried to join to triaxis yahoo and I can not do it
What is the artists.tri matter????
ok ok I found the artist.tri, I donwloaded it on a pdf format, because I hadn´t any midi card on my laptop. But this presets are the original of this artist or they are only what people uses to emulate that artist???
I've been looking for presets aswel. but didnt find good ones.
My presets are alle self made and sound like the albums!!!
The presets on the net are not usable for everyone. you fingers, guitar, pu's fx, poweramp, tubes and more are responsible for sounding different than intendet
the presets from artist pdf I think that are made by people trying to aproximate to that sound.
I see the photos of jp rack equipment where it appears the triaxis and I can see that the parameters that appears on photos are not the same that artist pdf.
Check the rack building of petrucci in that link: