the best way to hook up 2 amps in stereo???

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konstantine RK

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
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I have the roadking (as many of you already knew)
I have the Randall RM 100
I have eventide stompboxes (two inputs two output each) and both amps have series and parellel FX loops which I run 2 stomboxes in series and one with killdry in the paralell loop. Which gets me one amp dry and the other wet.

So using all the possibilities of the Roadking, The RM100 randall and my eventide stompboxes tell me how you would feed the randall or wire this rig for stereo?

Or just tell me how you do it in your rig?
Typically, you'd go Amp (A) effect send to effects chain input. Then effects chain right output to Amp (A) effects return and effects chain left output to Amp (B) effects return.
To keep a "dry" amp and still run stereo, you'd need three amps (and three speakers): right, left, and center (dry).
I'm sure there are many ways to do this. My first thought would be to split the signal from Amp (A)'s effect send to feed both the effects chain input and the dry amp input.
All of the above scenarios use the pre-amp from Amp (A) only, so you could use a stereo power amp for (1) the dry signal, and (2), the left stereo signal. :D
Anything more complicated than this, and I just throw my hands in the air and bring the Deluxe Reverb and a Tele. :lol:
I use a WHIRLWIND A/B true bypass switch.

That's usually the best way because you can have the effects dedicated to one amp and the other one can be dry.
konstantine RK said:
So using all the possibilities of the Roadking, The RM100 randall and my eventide stompboxes tell me how you would feed the randall or wire this rig for stereo?

Do you want to use the preamp modules in the Randall RM100?

The only fly in the ointment with multi amp setups is ground loop hum and noise in general. With so many cables running the signal, there is a greater opportunity to pick up RF interference, much like wireless systems will do from time to time.
ok starting next week I will try some of these ideas... I would like to use the modules since that would mean a different way other than the usual effects loop setup. I do poesess a TU-2 boss tuner and a digitech whammy which have 2 outputs from 1 input.
I would love to hear some tales from the face of the amp!

My suspicions are that if I used the whammy as a input with two outputs feeding both amps and run the eventides through the Roadking and the MTS100's FX loops each .. could that work?

Dont need the whammy but maybe an A/B - A and B box? It would be nice just to know how to do this for the basement jams.
Hum is not a problem... I got a couple of custom electrical outlets on two seperate circuits just for the hum!

thanks for thinking of that but once a while I get clumsy with what Im plugging in lol
The Lehle Little Dual pedal or P-split will get you what you want. The P-split is a signal split with ground isolation, the little dual is a true A/B/Y switcher. They are very well built, I had one before I bought my MESA amp switcher.
I would A/B/Y the preamp outs/loop sends into the mono input of the ModFactor, then stereo outs from there into the TimeFactor, then each of the stereo outs from the TimeFactor into the two power amp inputs/loop returns of the amps (use the serial loop on the RK). If you also have the PitchFactor, I would run it before the ModFactor.

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