Tell me about Splawn

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I know what the web stite says about Splawn but whats the real word!!

Is it really the Marshall, Marshall couldnt be?
My take on Splawn is that they are just another one of the modded Marshalls. They started as modded Marshalls but have now begun to make their own amps. Like the rest of the modders they have finally made it to their time to have moderate fame. I really don't hear anything too special in a Splawn but then again I have heard lots of Marshalls. I would have to say that I personally would pass on a Splawn only because you can get there with your basic Marshall and outboard effects.
Splawns are built better than (most) Mesa's for starters. Chassis mounted preamp tube and power tube sockets in addition to the pots.
Chassis mounted caps and decent transformers.

Not the best out there but definitely above average IMO.

Basically built similarly to a JCM 800.

The gain is pretty tight and clear, with a strong bottom end and has a more modern voicing than a boosted 800 IMO.

They have no master volume and it gets loud pretty fast, it's not for bedroom players. It will blow your head off and cut through a mix like nobody's business though. My Mark IV is the only Mesa I've played that can almost cut as well.

The Splawn's gain structure isn't as saturated as Mesa's so the amp feels stiffer if you are used to Mesa gain IMO.

I've played worse amps for sure :)
Melodyman pretty much nailed it. I opened for the band "Disciple" over the summer, and their guitarist Brad Noah is sponsored by them. His rig can be seen on their website. To me, it had the Marshall tone, more mid-focused than Rectos, just more ballsy than a Marshall JCM, and a little more modern sounding. He was playing through Gibson Les Pauls with EMG 81(b)/85(n) pup combos. The construction and custom options are way better than any Marshall I've seen, and man those things get LOUD. He had 'em cranked, and they more than compensated for the band just having one guitarist. If I were into a Marshall sound, I wouldn't hesitate to buy their stuff (Brad himself even offered to give me the hookup, if I ever wanted to "come to the dark side" and leave Mesa :lol:)

Alright, I confess. I have a Splawn Quick Rod. Honestly, I sold my '72 Marshall to buy it. It can do all that the '72 could and more...

I have to say, if I had to have only one amp, the Splawn would not be it. They have their sounds and that's about it. They are just not as versatile. If it was only one amp, it is an easy choice, MARK IV, of course. However, do you guys have only one guitar??? I thought not, me neither 8)

I mean, the Splawn can do things I have never heard a stock/modded Marshall do. It has 3 gears and you can choose crunch (early VH, I mean as close to perfect as you can get), more gain (like a next gain level), or modern heavy. Also, each gear has an option 1 and an option 2, like rhythm and lead for each, available via footswitch. The footswitch also has a solo switch. Just in case you need to be "one louder."

There is really no way to compare Mesa, any Mesa, to the Splawn because they are clearly a completely different animal. Apples to Oranges.

I'll tell you though, when I get the twitch to play early Van Halen, LOUD, there really is nothing like it!! It makes the windows shake and I feel like "holy ****, this is intense."

I have considered what it might be like to run the Splawn and the Mark IV together. Not stereo, but maybe A and B, or together for a blend. I just can't really get the Splawn to behave. It is SO loud!! I suppose I could try a Power Brake or a Hot Plate.

Maybe I'll try to record some clips or something at some point. There are some good clips on the Splawn site. There is one guy who runs through a bunch of the gain settings. Really a pretty good representation of what they can do.

I would love to hear any other experiences from anyone. Rock On!!
Russ said:
My take on Splawn is that they are just another one of the modded Marshalls. They started as modded Marshalls but have now begun to make their own amps. Like the rest of the modders they have finally made it to their time to have moderate fame. I really don't hear anything too special in a Splawn but then again I have heard lots of Marshalls. I would have to say that I personally would pass on a Splawn only because you can get there with your basic Marshall and outboard effects.

You can't get there with ANY effects. 1. you have a different transformer and you're getting a thicker, wider distortion tone. What effect gives you that? None!

There's only one thing that would give you that and that's top notch transformers and circuitry. Listen to gains from possibly the best Mesa gain ever, the Roadster or Road King. Great dark, tones but they're a little thin sounding distortion not thick and wide like a Soldano or a rodded Marshall.

Have you played one?

I've played a Quickrod and the closest thing to it was an Egnater Seminar amp head or Mod50 but there's more sustain with the Quickrod.

Splawns are worth every penny if you like that tone. They're actually cheap given the quality and what you're getting.
The Splawn is not just a modded Marshall. There are a lot of things they may share, but so does every other amp out there. They all take thier technology from 1930's radio. I've had his amps here in my shop.
Splawn builds a great amp. Top quality parts and worksmanship. Scott is an awesome guy too!
If I were in the market for that "modded" Marshall sound I would pick a Cameron over a Splawn any day.
Hey, I got my Mark IV and my Splawn QR running together the other day. I used a Lehle Dual amp switcher, it was sweet 8) I loved the aggressiveness and the mids of the Splawn mixed with the smooth and creamy Mark IV. Really full sound, I thought. I called Scott and he said I could even use my Rockman midi octopus to switch the clean/dirty/solo just like the footcontroller. It was great!! Tons of fun in the afternoon...

Simply modded Marshall, not!~ The Splawn is an excellent amp, period. It has its limitations, I do not have the newer QR model with the clean channel adjusted. However, it has an awesome tone and with a power brake on it, I can turn it up a bit and get the sweetness.

No reason to compare this to that...try it out, then talk. It's all about what YOU like anyway, right :wink:
Guitar Adjuster said:
If I were in the market for that "modded" Marshall sound I would pick a Cameron over a Splawn any day.

From the clips that sounds like one unforgiving amp to play leads on. Nice go-for-the-throat tone, though.
WillPlayForFood said:
Hey, I got my Mark IV and my Splawn QR running together the other day. I used a Lehle Dual amp switcher, it was sweet 8) I loved the aggressiveness and the mids of the Splawn mixed with the smooth and creamy Mark IV. Really full sound, I thought. I called Scott and he said I could even use my Rockman midi octopus to switch the clean/dirty/solo just like the footcontroller. It was great!! Tons of fun in the afternoon...

Simply modded Marshall, not!~ The Splawn is an excellent amp, period. It has its limitations, I do not have the newer QR model with the clean channel adjusted. However, it has an awesome tone and with a power brake on it, I can turn it up a bit and get the sweetness.

No reason to compare this to that...try it out, then talk. It's all about what YOU like anyway, right :wink:

I have biased a few Splawns and have been able to play on them. They are definitely well made amps. Heck, any amp maker willing to put Bible references in their chassis is a good sign. The amp is not a strict "hot rodded Marshall" but a take and improvement over a Marshall. I prefer them to all the others out there. That being said, I still bought an Ace head over a QR because I like the thickness inherent to Mesa's over the Splawn. Also, you still have to crank the Splawn pretty loud to get it working in the "zone" for tone.
You are sure right about the loud factor!! I also agree with the Mesa thing you mentioned. I guess that's why I have my Mark IV's in addition to my Splawn!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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