Switching Cable Question?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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Excuse my ignorance,,, but is the Mark V switching cable a standard cable you can get anywhere ..
or is it another 'catch 22' get from Mesa only cable?
It's an 8 pin DIN cable... if you can find one somewhere else other than Mesa - go for it... When I bought my Mark V they couldn't find that cable. So I went home with another cable that we thought would be compatible, it was a 7 Pin DIN (I think it was from a Triple Rectifier). It fits because it's just missing the pin in the middle. As it turns out every switch works except the effects loop on/off. I would have prefered if the mute switch was on that pin, I was hoping to order a new pedal snake, which you can get with 7 pin but not 8, I could do without the mute switch, but i definitely need the effects loop switch.
litesnsirens said:
It's an 8 pin DIN cable... if you can find one somewhere else other than Mesa - go for it... When I bought my Mark V they couldn't find that cable. So I went home with another cable that we thought would be compatible, it was a 7 Pin DIN (I think it was from a Triple Rectifier). It fits because it's just missing the pin in the middle. As it turns out every switch works except the effects loop on/off. I would have prefered if the mute switch was on that pin, I was hoping to order a new pedal snake, which you can get with 7 pin but not 8, I could do without the mute switch, but i definitely need the effects loop switch.

Thanks for the insight... wonder if any of these 8 pins at this site would work?

lucidology said:
Thanks for the insight... wonder if any of these 8 pins at this site would work?


I just pulled my cable out and looked at the pin configuration, #1395 in your link is close, but the center pin on mine sits lower than the one in the diagram.
Jacko123 said:
I'll be checking this thread closely. I'd like to have a shorter cable for my Mark V. I like to keep my cable tidy.

Yeah, the supplied one would work for mountain climbing. Next time I'm at Fry's Electronics I'll take a look at their DIN cables to see the pin configuration.