Studio Preamp vs. Quad Preamp

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I did a search and couldn't find anything.
What is the difference tone wise, between the Studio and Quad Preamps. I'm into heavy music, so mostly will be using the distortion settings. I currently have a Triaxis and 2:90 settup, along with a newer Dual Rectifier, which doesn't thrill me, may be getting rid of, who knows.
I have the Professional High Gain Amp Switcher which is for sale on here, hasn't sold yet, so I may keep it and add either the Quad, or Studio.
Thanks in advance,
The Quad has a couple more gain stages so will give you over the top distortion.
My Studio gave me a better Black Face tone, but the Quad was awesome.

You just keep stepping on the footswitches and adding distortion with the Quad's controller. It just keeps getting better and better until it's insane!
Hey Paul this might help...

I picked up a Quad and it has brutal gain. :twisted: I'm using it through my RKII power section. IMO it can keep up, gain wise, with the recto.