Studio Preamp, strange noise going direct

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Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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I tried recording direct today with my Studio preamp, but I get this nasty static/hum/fizz/white noise. I can hear the guitar tone fine, but it has a ton of noise in the background and when I stop playing. It does this through both outputs and the send as well. I also tried it with the direct out from my Mark III and it had the same noise. Is this normal? I guess not, because it's unuseable for direct recording the way it its. I plugged the Studio into my Tonlab LE for cab modeling BTW, but the Studio is definitely the source of the noise.
What are you recording with? A PC? If so, get the preamp as far away as possible, preferably in another room. Also, try a line isolator like the Ebtech HE-2 between the preamp and the PC. Computers are major noise sources, both on the line and ground, as well as through the air.
I'm using a Laptop and an M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB interface. I'll try moving the preamp in another room and see if that helps. Thanks!
I tried moving the laptop in another room, but the hash is still there. Are tube preamps generally very noisy when running direct?

The Tonelab LE and V-Amp Pro that I have are both dead silent with no background noise through the exact same recording setup. The Studio Pre and Mesa Mark III both have the background noise when going direct, but sound normal going through the tube poweramp and cab :?:
No, tube preamps are not normally noisy when direct. Many people use the studio pre that way without problems. I suspect you have a ground loop. Try switching the ground switch to "floating" and see if it helps. Also, try running the signal between the preamp and the recording interface through an isolation transformer like an ebtech HE-2. This is a common problem.

The other equipment you use may not have this problem because they have floating supplies or a different grounding method by design.
i get noise with my studio when recording direct to my computer, but i have found that the noise is coming from the computer and guitar. if i stand away from the computer and turn to one side or another the unwanted noise lessens. sucks cause i don't have a foot pedal to punch in and out. so i have to use another person. try moving away from the computer.