Studio Pre or Mark III/IV

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Aug 19, 2007
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I've had an ADA MP-1 preamp and a Peavey 50/50 poweramp for about 5 months and yet I haven't achieved the tone I want, which most clearly lies in Mesa Boogie amps. What i have in mind is the 86-88s tone of MOP and AJFA from Metallica. The question is about choosing the right combination of amps. These are the choices I have in mind:

1) The Studio Preamp instead of the ADA MP-1 into Peavey 50/50 poweramp.
2) The Studio Preamp + Mesa 50/50 instead of my current rig.
3) Sell my rack and buy a Mark III or a Mark IV head.

I guess all are great options, the first being the cheapest one and the next two being about the same cost. In terms of that sound I'm looking for, I want to know if the first option - Studio Pre + Peavey 50/50 would do the job. I have read that Metallica used IIC+ heads slaved into Marshall poweramps, so that would be a match on paper, since the Peavey 50/50 uses EL84 tubes.

If anybody could comment on these options and which would deliver that sound best.

Either a III Simul-Class or a IV will get you very close to that tone with the right cab. Getting that exact tone involves a lot of EQ stages.

The IV head will run you about $1400 but be a lot more versatile, especially for live performance, than any of the other options.

I really like Mark IIIs (obviously, I own two.) If you're into that pre-Recto heavy metal sound you owe it to yourself to try one out if you can find one-- especially a blue or green stripe with simul-class and EQ. Straight out of the box it's not the exact tone but it's the same feel, really aggressive and dynamic.
studio pre + mesa 50/50 is a great start, but im sure you can spend the same amount on of money and get a mark III head that can also be rackmountable. This would get you closer to that tone IMO.

Get the mark III redstripe! :D
My rack setup invloves an MP-1, the Studio PRE and a MESA 20/20.

I use the ADA most of the time and the studio only for specific sounds. If you want the Metallica sound, you'll need an outboard EQ, regardless of the preamp you use.
I have owned a III and sold it in favor of the Studio Pre. The III will be a bit more agressive for thrash but the Studio Pre has a sweetness that the III can't touch. Especially for lead work. My advice is to go the cheap route, get a Studio Pre and try it with the Peavy and if that still doesn't do it for you sell that and get a III.
Can't go wrong with #1 on your list. I hear that particular combo is closest to the IIC+.

I had a studio and loved it. Best clean on any Mesa too, IMO.
I have a same issue as you do, although I don't have an ADA preamp but the Quad. Still I don't have a decent poweramp.
By the way, didn't Kirk say that he used the ADA quite heavily somewhere in the Justice Black album era? In fact he moved away from Boogie for a while in the favor of the ADA. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Another thing I wanted to point out is this.
I am using this program called HarBal equalizer. It can analyze the frequencies of any given tone, in this case guitar. All you need to do is take a sample of the guitar alone, from any song you want and then let HarBal analyze it for you. Then if you have a good EQ, you can sort of replicate the frequencies. It's kinda close to what I did when I made the presets for my PODXT and I got pretty close.
I hear many are happy with the Studio pre + Peavy poweramp. If I were you I would keep the Peavey (at least at the beginning, and then see if you're satisfied with it) and go with a Studio and a good parametric or graphic equalizer.
from my recollection of the studio, it falls between the quad and mark 4 gain wise. i would go with a poweramp with 6l6s to get more bottom end and headroom. the classic 60/60 is cheap and sounds great.
I used the Studio Pre + Peavey 50/50 for a few months and it was a wonderful combo! The Peavey is rich with mids so its a good complement to the Studio. The two really sing together.

I just replaced the Peavey 50/50 with a Mesa 50/50 and I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Its definitely different, though I'm not sure if I regret the power amp swap or not...