zenabI said:I'm looking for a Rock/Fusion type of sound. I saw a video at YouTube with it and the guy had it modified because he thought the higher register was to trebly or something, so thats a concern for me, I don't want that. I want a thick sound in the upper register.
There's one thing I don't fully understand, I'm not an ampfreak... Why does a poweramp have preamp tubes like 12AX7?
zenabI said:(With low gain I mean no more gain than Andy Timmons have when he has maximum gain.)
francm, how exactly did it sound before the mod, was it to bassy or had it too little bass? Was it tight or was it flabby? And how was it after the mod?
I definitely want a tight bass, not fuzzy at all. The Studio Pre already have tons of thick bass. You know...