Strange smell...

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Mar 24, 2014
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Howdy all... it's been hot, 90 degrees outside, mid-70's inside. Anyhow, I'd been playing on channel 1, 90 watt mode but quietly and with the fan on ,when suddenly I was overwhelmed with a WTF is that smell! Kinda hot but no smoke... tubes all looked good, no crackles, pops, or anything like that. My amp isn't dusty... anyhow I freaked out and shut it right down.

Any thoughts :?: I read on a post somewhere perhaps it could be a leaking cap :shock: Hope that's no the case... no dealers here in my neck of the woods to service it :(
Played for 30 minutes this morning just to fire it back up... played through all three channels and no smell. Perhaps that was just the smell of rockin' out yesterday. I had been at it for quite a while before the smell. Still has me wondering though...
Can you describe the odor? It could be outgassing of adhesives used for the tolex or it could be flux residue reactivating (there are several hand soldered parts on the circuit boards). I spent many hours cleaning all the hand soldered joints from flux residue. It will be inert at moderate temperatures, but considering how hot my amp was getting when I first got it, I was concerned that the rosin flux would begin to conduct (at elevated temperatures it becomes activated, however you need to be at a temperature almost close enough to reflow solder so probably overkill and no need to worry).

I never noticed an odd odor from the Mark V, However, after I got my new Roadster, it started to smell like burnt popcorn during its break in period (if there is such a thing).

If it smells like something organic, hot plastic smell? It could be a speaker voice coil overheating. Transformers will also give off an odor when they get hot too.