Stiletto Trident vs. Triple Rectifier...I need some help.

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Sep 27, 2005
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Hey All,

I am trying to decide between Mesa's Triple Rectifier and their Stiletto Trident. I've talked to Mesa twice and each time they recommended something different so I thought I would try and get some advice from you.

When comparing the two amps what do you suggest? Are there any features about either one that would seperate it from the other? How are the tones going to be different? Which one would allow me the most versatility in tone?

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Wow, thats a question :shock:

I'm going to tell you to get the Rectifier only because I play one. I've had a Triple rectifier and currently have a Tremoverb and a Rectoverb. I also play in a cover band that does everything from Creed, Puddle of Mudd, Bon Jovi, Poison, Keith Urban, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Metallica, ect....... and my Rectifier series amps cover all the tones I need. You've got the heavy Recto tones, and with the gain backed off a bit on my RAW channel, I've got some pretty good Marshally tones. I do use a V-Twin on the clean channel to give me more options, but on the Triple I had channel 3 set to Raw with the gain set at about 12:00 and it was a Marshall tone.

The Stiletto Trident is a Marshall on steroids and can't get as heavy as a Rectifier and I think the Cleans on the Recto are some of the nicest cleans I've heard on an amp, very responsive and Fenderish.

Thats going to be a matter of what sound youwant more? If you like Marshall tones (but better tones), go for the Stiletto, if you like the Rectifier sound with just a little more versatility, go for the Triple Recto.

Thats my $.02 worth.
PS.... You can also put EL34's in your Rectifier to get even a more "British" flare, but you can't put 6L6's in the Stiletto. The 6L6's are a tad bit darker for that "American" sound that Rectifiers and Fenders are known for.
no need to go with so many watts, by the way...

(and the fact that I'm considering selling my Stiletto Duece has NO bearing on that statement. You just CANT use that much power)
I'd second that, unless you're getting a better deal on the Triple there's no need for 150 watts. Heck, 50 watts is enough for my loud-*** band when I run it through a 2x12 clossed back. I'd check in to a Dual Rectifier before the Triple..... Unless like I said, you're getting a great deal on it.
Depends on your style.

Dual -er TriRectifier gives you those high gain shred, industrial, metal sound. Great with Baritone guitars.

Stiletto was described in Guitar Player Magazine an enclopedia of vintage Marshalls => JCM800, even BluesBreaker, etc ...

of course no soul may gripe about it but he has to take that up with the Guitar Player Magazine's editors, they're the one I read when critiqing the Stiletto.
there is nothing wrong with more wattage!
its gives you lots of head room,which is important for your clean channel
and theres always the spongy-bold switch to cut the wattage in half, if needed
tele_jans...thanks for the insight on the two different amps. You're right when you say that I probably won't ever use the 150 watts but its reassuring to know that they're there if I ever needed them. As far as the tone question goes, if I prefer the early 90's rock sound and on occassion have need for the more modern sound could I put a pedal in front of the Stiletto and still harness both sounds?
The Stiletto is too mid-rangy for my tastes.

And its only two channels.

I have used my Mark IV exclusively since I got it.

Though, last night while I was contemplating new cover songs to bring to the band, it occurred to me that every thing I play has a metal bent to it, based on my preferred tone.

If I keep the Stiletto, I can use it for a more vintage Marshall and even somewhat "jangly" tone on some songs by "lighter" bands.

The downside would be the need to purchase one of those head switcher thingamaggies that Tone Bone sells for 300 smacks.

And toting MORE equipment around.

There IS such a thing as too much equipment.

And I've got too much.

I wish I could sell of the stuff I dont need for MOST of the money I spent on it, but sadly, that'll never happen.

Hell. I'll end up eating 1/3 of the money I spent on the Stiletto if I sold it.

Thats painful.

I hear you on losing money on equipment...that's why I'm trying to buy one amp head that will give me the most versatility for my money. I also tend to like music that has a metal tone to it, but I'm trying to decide exactly what kind of metal tone.

The Rectifier seems to have a more low end, full body, bass driven metal tone while the Stiletto tends to have a more mid to high end metal tone. is this what you are finding in your tones. Have you ever considered getting into a rectifier?

Thanks for your help
The second guitarist in my band has a Triple.

His tone is IN YOUR FACE.

In a good way.

I like the Mark because I dont want such an identifiable (with NuMetal) band tone.

The Stiletto was more mild, though I can get dirty.

Go to the Rigs/Tones section of this forum and look for my post called, Stiletto Clips Are Here to get an idea of what sort of versatility that amp has.

I'm sure you can get lots of other tones from a Rect, but I havent owned one for about six years and back then I only had the Solo 50 head, not a Dual or Triple.

Great clips, man! Aaron did a great job recording those. I really liked the "howling lead" tone and the "grinding tight crunch clean" tone. I thought that when chords were played the bottom end did show itself pretty well and like you said, playing through a 4x12 cabinet might help that even more. I'll be playing through a Recto Standard 4x12.

What does your other guitarist think when he compares the sound of his triple to the sound of your Stiletto?
He was going to buy my Stiletto and use it for the cleans.

He raves about the cleans blowing his Rectifiers away.

But instead he bought a boat.

RR said:
Stiletto was described in Guitar Player Magazine an enclopedia of vintage Marshalls => JCM800, even BluesBreaker, etc ...

of course no soul may gripe about it but he has to take that up with the Guitar Player Magazine's editors, they're the one I read when critiqing the Stiletto.

Hey is there anyway you can scan that review and put it up? :D If not, can you tell me what issue that was in? I've heard some really good and experienced players say that the Stiletto made a great Marshall, while others say it's nowhere close. :)
xnfx said:
Hey is there anyway you can scan that review and put it up? :D If not, can you tell me what issue that was in?
Yes, give me some time, the weekend I spend at my girlfriend's retreat home (in different city of my house). I'll give you the issue number on Monday since I'm not at my house at the time.
xnfx said:
I've heard some really good and experienced players say that the Stiletto made a great Marshall, while others say it's nowhere close. :)
Typical of M/B especially Rectifiers Series, if you don't know how to dial them right or not familiar with them, you'll won't get the tone you are looking for instantly. I see it all the time visit the nearest M/B authorized dealer, a customer plugs in and doesn't like the initial settings and I'm saying to myself, "The treble should be between 11:00 - 12:00, etc ..." but the customer insist on his 'setting'. :?
So, I play guitar and I get a kick out of goofing around with guitar amps because I think they're cool. I bought an old M/B amp used and started checking out this board. I think this is one of the coolest message boards I've ever seen, by the way.


My main bread and butter is playing bass. I've played in lots of bands. Some bigger than others... and in lots of venues. I have a new perspective on the whole wattage thing.

I've spent my entire career luggung around my gigantic Bass Rig just so I could hear on stage. I have to carry this big ******* around because all of you guys have 100 watt amps and 4x12 cabinets. I will tell you that this set-up is extremely loud. Especially when playing clean. Do not think for one moment that guitar amps needs more power than 100 watts. They don't sound awesome unless they're cranked. This means you're BP also has to crank and to compete, he's gonna' have to drag three SVTs around and three 8X10 cabs.

Here's a real life example. I played the Milwaukee Metal Fest Three times. Twice on the rave stage at the Eagle Ballroom. They gave us two 100 watt full stacks and two SVTs with respective 2x15 cabs. This setup souds amazing. Please, don't get me wrong. I'm all about rockin' the party. But, you see the ratio here... right? One 300 watt bass rig per 100 watt guitar rig.

I've seen new amps coming out with 120, 150, and even 300 watts. Please, do the bass players of the world a favor. Don't support this trend.

goneloco said:
there is nothing wrong with more wattage!
its gives you lots of head room,which is important for your clean channel
and theres always the spongy-bold switch to cut the wattage in half, if needed

while that is true, its also generaly accepted that the lower wattage rectos have the best clean sounds. Funny how that works.

Once you hit the 50w mark, power has nothing to do with volume anymore really.
Once you hit the 50w mark, power has nothing to do with volume anymore really.

Do you happen to know about voltage and how it effects how much volume you get out of the amp? I ask because on Bold (full 117 volts) my Stiletto has great volume, on Spongy it is a lot less volume. Can pretty much be cranked full in my room. And I think Spongy is supposed to be only a 20% difference from Bold. :)
xnfx said:
Hey is there anyway you can scan that review and put it up? :D If not, can you tell me what issue that was in?
Guitar Player June 2005, Carlos Santana is on the front cover.

I can't get access to a scanner at this time. But I'll do that in the future. I know this information is vaulable to you xnfx. So I'll get to it later :wink:

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