Stiletto Ace sample

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
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Hey guys! I've had my Ace for about a week now. I'm completely loving it. Here's a quick sample of some of the tones I'm getting from it. This is a one-take run over a backing track, so excuse the goofs - normally I would go through and punch them out, but for this purpose I didn't take the time. I didn't do any post-production on this. It's pure guitar tone, with Tuber Screamer and compression up front, and delay in the loop only. Two SM57 mic's - one on speaker, and one 2-feet back, through TonePort into Sonar 6.
Dig the tone, mind sharing which channel you were using w/ the TS? I dig boosting the crunch mode on channel 1 with mine.

What kind of guitar are you using? Sounds LPish
Thanks guys!

Platypus, the TS was on for all the first half on channel 1 tight clean - then I switched to channel 2 fluid drive with it still on, then about the last 1/4 was fluid drive with TS off. The TS on the fluid drive helps smooth things out a bit, and boosts sustain even further, but as you can tell, it also causes unwanted noise when I stop playing. I used an Ibanez S540 (with Evolution pups) for this recording.

Thanks for giving a listen guys!