Staightforward Triaxis questions

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May 19, 2009
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I'm looking into a unit with which I can go direct into Cubase(direct because of the neighbors) for home recording. I record death/extreme metal kind of stuff. So basically, my questions are: can the triaxis give a good extreme metal sound, and does this sound translate well into a direct recording?
i have owned a triaxis for over 10 years and it can do just about anything pretty well.

however, I have never liked recording with it direct. I think if you had some kind of Palmer speaker emulator or something then yes it would be fine but left to just the direct sound of the triaxis and I dont you will be happy.
I would have to say that if you want hardcore grinding metal tones, you would probably be better off with a modeler of some kind - maybe even just a POD or something. Metal tones are about brutality rather than sweet tone. You may find the Triaxis is too nice for you! Although if you have the Recto board version of the Triaxis, that can do pretty well.
I play death, lamb of god, illdisposed, etc... I have no problems making those tone with a triaxis (with the help of an eq in the loop). But I never tried recording myself direct with it.. Sry
I hate recording direct with my Triaxis. I have a great interface(apogee ensemble) recording into Logic 8 and the results are nothing I'd ever share. If anything, I use it for when people are sleeping at night and just want to throw ideas around. Always go back and record with some mics.

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