Squeal from 20/20

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Just got my 20/20 power amp in and went to fire he up. When you come off stand by she makes a horrible high pitched squeal, you still get the guitar coming through but that squeal is really bad.

Loose tube or something else?
welcome to the amazing world of oscillations, where everything could generate a marvelous high pitch oscillates.
You could mix your guitar signal and that oscillates in a tecno song ;)
The oscillates are the worst things to isolate, that ******* issues travels all alongs the pcb traces you could have a bad tube or even a filter cap on the power supply, you couldn´t know it without and oscilloscope, because the oscillates as I said travels by all the components and you couldn´t isolate in a easy way because they are present in all circuit.
As my teachers learns me you must to isolate your circuit in different stages and try them looking from oscillates, the stages isolates are real isolates, breaking the signal path in several points and testing it with an oscilloscopes.
Sometimes I am lucky and I repair it in on hour, other times you need a few hours.
You could try by yourself changing the tubes, if it doesn´t solve the oscillate send the boogie to monstatone, he is a boogie tech, and I´m sure that he will get you a very good price.
Since it was both channel Mesa had me change the V1 tube. Didn't solve the issue so it appears to be a volume pot issue. Off to the tech she goes.
With info from MB I fixed the issue myself. Apparently the knobs took a shot during shipping which dislodged the threaded covers/grounding from the pots. 1/2" (13mm) deep socket, 20mm allen wrench and a pair of needle nose pliers got everything reseated.

Sounds great!!!
ned said:
With info from MB I fixed the issue myself. Apparently the knobs took a shot during shipping which dislodged the threaded covers/grounding from the pots. 1/2" (13mm) deep socket, 20mm allen wrench and a pair of needle nose pliers got everything reseated.

Sounds great!!!
That's an unexpected source! Cool that they could troubleshoot over the phone - they've always been good about that with me. Glad you're back up and running with your amp. Enjoy!!

- T
Probably going to run a Randall RM4 with Top Boost, Plexi, 1086 (Disturbed module) and XTC. Run a Rocktron Multivalve in between for FX.

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