Special Order Stiletto via GC?

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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Las Vegas
Thanks to everyone who chimed in on my "Vintage Guitarist Needs Modern Amp Help" question / thread.

I've pretty much nailed it down to some version of the Stiletto ACE combo or the ACE head with a Recto 2x12 cab. Plain BLACK, not the Emerald or Bronco.

The only thing in stock here in Las Vegas is a Green ACE 1x12 which was good enough to give me a good idea of the various tone(s) I can squeeze out of it. But, it's not the head and cab and the weight of the combos looks intimidating.

GC says their chain does not have "purchasing rights" to the Stilettos in black and thus it would be a special order, 50% up front, all special order sales are final. Not a deal killer but anything where all sales are final is "buyer beware" and surely I've been warned.

I work in LA some and could without much trouble go over there and buy something that I can actually play what I'm paying for. Plus, test different cabs.

My question to the group is am I missing some other better option for purchasing or maybe a better dealer? Since the prices are fixed, it's obviously not about price but more about in-store selection.

I'd really like to try the head and a few cabs together. Right now I'm thinking the ACE or Deuce head and Recto 2x12 cab would be a winner. Also, any thoughts on that combination before I try it... if I can find it?

Any suggestions? Thanks!
I just got my Deuce head from GC last Friday. They ordered it with no money down and it took about 4 weeks for it to arrive. The stock color for the Deuce is black with crock skin/chrome front. I thought the stock color for the ace combo was green, but the head is black. It shouldn't be a special order for a black ace head. Did you talk to a manager or just a guy on the floor. The same guy who was very helpful in getting me the Deuce with no money down was also the same guy who originally told me that the Stiletto's were discontinued and I couldn't get one :shock: . I forced the issue and he quickly discovered that the stage I Deuce and Trident were discontinued, but he could order stage II no problem.

The Mesa catalog shows the Ace head in black which leads me to believe black is standard (silver piping is standard but the catalog shows black piping which is special order). At any rate, work your way up the chain of command until you get satisfaction. It's understandable that a special order would require money down and no return, but I don't think a black ace head is special order. Now, on the other hand, an ace combo (which weighs as much as a Buick) is standard in green, so black would be special order.
Weird. The Mesa website says the following, which to me implies that a Black would be a "standard" order. I would double check w/GC.

Stiletto ACE® Amplifier FORMATS

Choice of:
Emerald Bronco & Tan Grille OR Black Taurus & Black Grille

Head (Width 26-3/4in)

1x12 Closed Back Combo • Fan Cooled • V30 Speaker • Casters

2x12 Closed Back Combo • Fan Cooled • V30 Speakers • Casters
domct203 said:
+1 to insideout's post. Mesa's website lists the Ace avalable as: "Choice of: Emerald Bronco & Tan Grille OR Black Taurus & Black Grille"
Keep drilling the salesman or talk to another.

Agreed, I just called him back, drilled him and according to him, black is not a stock color for GC and thus not in their distribution center so that makes it a special order item internally not a stock item. Sounds F'd up to me.
What a bunch of crap... Sorry but you're either a Mesa Distributor or your not!

I'd call Mesa Customer service first thing in the morning and ask them what the HELL is going on!!!! Act really pissed off.... Get Mesa calling them asking them why their so f - - ked up! That'll get their attention pretty damned fast! They'll fly one in for you from another store! LMAO

BTW... You're going to love the amp when you get it. Ace...or Deuce... with the traditional or the Recto 2 x 12 is amazing. :)
Go to the mesa site on click on the drop down menu and there is product guide near the bottom . It clearly states that black taurus is a standard choice for the Stiletto ace . Your dealer doesnt know what he's talking about .
I asked a "sales" guy at GC, Hey were is amp X. Hey said, Uhh, I don't think they made those. Shook my head because I know they did. Walked around the store and noticed that when I asked about them, had the "sales" guy looked over my shoulder in front of him were the amps I was looking for! So i pointed them out for "anyone else that asked.

Let that be a lesson to you for 70% of the GC personel I've encountered across the country.

Print off or take them a catalog and try the amp before you bought it. All Mesa's are different.

Either the Deuce or Ace is great. I like the Mesa 2x12 Rectifier cab. It's a "big sounding" 2x12. You owe it to yourself to purchase this as you've been away from it for so long! Good luck!
clutch71 said:
....Either the Deuce or Ace is great. I like the Mesa 2x12 Rectifier cab. It's a "big sounding" 2x12. You owe it to yourself to purchase this as you've been away from it for so long! Good luck!

****, I like the way you think Mr. Clutch71!!! A manly man you are!

I was originally scrimping a bit trying to stay around the $1k mark and finally realized no matter how I dice it up I'll eventually end up with another gig-ready rig so I had might as well do it now and get on with playing again. Been playing dry every day for the last month and it feels great, mentally and physically. I think I've read every old and current thread on the Forum, soaking it all up.

Back on topic: I called Boogie Hollywood and they have everything I need in-stock. I'm calling Mesa HQ in the morning about the GC issue but I'm not going to try to push a rope. Once I talk to Mesa I'll call the GC manager; if he won't pony up I'll make the four hour drive to LA. This time next week I WILL be jammin' !

Now... off to find the delay, reverb and wah threads... Thanks!

Hey Robstar,

Maybe I can help with a little clarity here. The Ace combo you are after (black on black) is considered standard dress by Mesa/Boogie, as is the green/tan combo. That means it won't cost you any extra to get it in either of those colors (no custom option upcharge).

However, the Ace is not a normal stock item in all stores. In fact, most GC's that sell Boogie don't have Stilettos as part of their assortment at all. My store does well with Boogie, so we have a much wider assortment. We actually have a Mark IV head in stock! Normal stock for us includes the green 1x12 Ace combo, the black Ace head, and the black/black croc/chrome Deuce head.

The black Ace combo won't cost you any more than the green one, but it is still a special order item as we don't keep them on hand.

To order one, your local GC will need at least a 50% deposit to get one on the way for you. As far as returns go, technically speaking, all sales on special order items are final, UNLESS you come to an agreement with the manager beforehand. Make sure your agreement, if any, is notated on your special order receipt.

Personally, I wouldn't have an issue exchanging or returning a black Ace combo for you as it is standard dress and not a super crazy custom order, but that's me. It will be up to the local GC store manager.

IF IT HELPS, my store has a black Ace head and recto 2x12 cab in stock. While I can't ship it to you (that would violate our dealer agreement with Boogie), if you PM me your contact info and tell me which GC you are dealing with, I can ask them to transfer the items in for you. They would need to have it paid in full to transfer it in for you, but you will be protected by the normal 30 day return policy. Please let me know if I can help you with that.

Or, you can buy the green Ace combo which has the 30 day return policy. Use it to see if it works for you. If so, go ahead and return the green one and order the black one with confidence.

Please let me know if I can help any of you with any GC-related issues.

My store handles Boogie, as well as Soldano, Diezel, and VHT. We are serious about our amps!

Wishing you all the best on our eternal quest for tone!
GCMgr said:
IF IT HELPS, my store has a black Ace head and recto 2x12 cab in stock. While I can't ship it to you (that would violate our dealer agreement with Boogie), if you PM me your contact info and tell me which GC you are dealing with, I can ask them to transfer the items in for you. They would need to have it paid in full to transfer it in for you, but you will be protected by the normal 30 day return policy. Please let me know if I can help you with that.

I'd say you've pretty much made me an offer I can't refuse and saved me a trip to LA.

PM sent!!
Hey GCMgr that's really cool of you to offer that to robstar. Hope it works out for you guys.

I just wanted to clarify my statement above. I hope it didn't come across that I was bashing GC guys. I think GC has room for improvement in keeping thier associates up to date on gear, but they are not unique in that - many retailers suffer from high turn-over etc and that makes training a constant problem. My experience with GC was overwhelmingly positive. Once my sales guy had the correct information, he went out of his way to take care of me, kept me informed of order status, and was really cool to deal with. I'm glad I didn't take his word at first though when he told me Stiletto's were discontinued - I wouldn't have my Deuce now, and he wouldn't have a high end sale. Misinformation doesn't help anyone.

And robstar, I agree with the guys above - either the Ace or the Deuce... they both freakin ROCK!!!
Robstar: you might want to go to the Mesa website and order a pair of the el34 STR450 tubes ($70/pr). Much fuller sounding than the stock tubes and worth the investment. Keep your stock tubes as backups in case of emergency. I liked the Ace a lot playing it in stores, but didn't love the Ace until I heard heard it with the 450's.
Check out other dealers in the area and order from the one with the best customer service.

Support the little man, not the big chains, when custom ordering! They should treat you better too. Just my $0.02. :D

Oh I also recommend a head over a combo. I use to think combos were more portable, but not Mesas, too heavy. :shock:
GCMgr said:
Hey Robstar.......
Please let me know if I can help any of you with any GC-related issues...

It's a done deal! Black ACE head and Recto 2x12 cab. Man, I'm so flippin' excited and can't wait.

Hats off GCMgr and a big thanks to him. He was on it first thing this morning. By the time I got to the store at Noon today he had contacted the local store manager, sent me his name and order details, had a backup assistant store manager notified as well, had the transfer order and product codes waiting to go in the computer and the head and cab packed to ship on his end. All I had to do was lay down the cash. In and out in under 15 minutes! Last night I was ready to drive four hours each way over to LA. In my Hummer that costs about $200 round trip and kills a whole day.

jab, your tip on the tubes is a great suggestion. The head I bought has been on the floor for six months so I suspect those tubes have some time on them, though he said it had not been demoed a lot. Either way, I can make them the backups and that is a great idea.

.... back to the delay, reverb and wah threads... All suggestions on that are welcome. Thanks!
Another story with a happy ending... :) Congratulations... and nice work GC Manager!