Solved! The warmth of Tremoverb Cleans

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Oct 8, 2012
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I own a Road King II, a Mark V, and an Electra Dyne, and NONE of them have cleans that make me as happy as my Tremoverb does. I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy playing cleans on it more than any other amp I have. I don't think it's actually as pristine as the other amps, but it feels warmer and more responsive to my playing.

It's the kind of amp that makes me play more, and play better.

I've slowly been driving myself crazy trying to reproduce that sound with my other amps. I can get close, but so far, no dice.

This may be a taste thing, since the general consensus seems to be that more recent amps have surpassed the Tremoverb for cleans.

Am I nuts? I mean, about this?
Love hearing great things about the 55 years old I've gone through a lot of amps. For my ears the Tremoverb is unequaled in it's versatility. Cleans are pristine, chunky riffs and soaring leads are to die for. Blues: covered, Metal: covered, Country: covered, Classic problem.
If you can't find your sound with the Tremoverb then I'd be willing to say you'll never find it....regardless of what amp you purchase.

I've owned my fair share of Marshall, Fender, Hughes and Kettner, Bugera, Peavey and Orange have spent 40 years in various Guitar stores playing through almost everything you can think of.

My Mesa Boogie Tremoverb is the perfect amp for me....though there are other great amps, I'll take a Mesa over anything out there. 8)
Well, it took awhile, but man, I was wrong. I finally played something on my Tremoverb, captured the DI, and reamped the guitar part through my other amps. The playback made it pretty clear that the tremoverb was really good, but not on totally par with the Road King and Mark V.

What was ultimately throwing me was the way the tremoverb responded to my playing, which I finally realized that I could make happen on the road king and the mark v by setting the power to spongy/variac.

"Warmth" was definitely a misnomer. I didn't really know how to describe the contrast between the stiffness of the Mark V's cleans on full power to what I was seeing on the Tremoverb, though. Or what I was seeing with the Road King's on full power, either.

I need to double check my tremoverb as I am not sure if it's bold power is already super spongy or if the switch is broken.

Anyway, now they all sound great. I mean, really, really great.

So happy.