So I fixed my MK IIA... New Boogie Convert

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Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Strasbourg, France
... and retolexed it. (the amp used to be painted in red...) and let me tell you my impressions...

First off, I've always been a fender player, (I play rock, blues and country) and I thought that my utlimate rig would be twin reverb and a good overdrive pedal... Used to look down on channel switching amps, to me they all sounded sterile, made your guitar sound like any other guitar, were to complicated, and for some reason I could never get a decent sound from them. So to me Mesa/Boogie was just like the rest of them, only more expensive.

But the other day I was on the hunt for a tube amp, and I was in that shop and that little red amp on consignment caught my eye. I tried it out, and it sounded terrible. The clean channel was OK, but the lead channel sounded as crappy as you can imagine-- buzzy, no sustain, whould squeal at high volumes. But anyway something in this amp appealed to me-- probably a Fender vibe. So I asked the price, the salesperson said €750. So I said: I'll take to for €600. The salesperson gave the owner of the amp a call, he agreed to the price and voilà, the amp followed me back home.

So I changed the tubes, and tinkered with it a little bit; I asumed that it had been badly serviced so I tried to put it back stock. Anyway, I don't what it is that I did but after numerous dissapointing tries --at some ooint there was NO lead channel) , I pulled the knob and suddenly the boogie sound hit me!! right in the guts! My friend who was there looked at me an said: How much do you want fror it???

This amp is absolutely amazing. I can't wait to go on stage with it; I feel that I can jusy go on stage with only a cable between my guitar and the amp. I can dial any shade of crunch to lead with my guitar's volume knob. I can make my strat sound much fatter just by pulling pull shift, which is good for certain songs, and the clean are as good as any fender I've played so far. My boogie has no reverb and no EQ, but still it sounds awsome. Very flexible. Many sounds in there. I can't stop playing it!!

To make a long story short: I've never thought I'd own a Boogie... But this thing is wonderful. Wow guys.

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