Single Recto users UNITE!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
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Ma's acre, Killinois
Not often discussed, so I thought I'd try to draw out some of the lurkers like myself.

How about them Single Rectos!
What kind of tones are you getting out of 'em?

I have a Solo 50 head...she has her own cover and pillow...I love her.
My new Rect-O-Verb makes me happy, happy, happy. A definite keeper. She sounds great at low volumes and just gets better as I turn her up. And 50 watts are loud!

She lives in a comfy recording studio and when she goes out, she wears a custom made padded and reinforced rolling case. She went to Voodoo Amps in Ithaca for a day of spa treatments and pampering, and came back even better.

She speaks through a 2x12 3/4 tuned cab and a 4x12 1960A, depending on her mood, and rarely goes anywhere without her Rocktron Xpression FX rack.

Hard to argue with that "punks and brats" thing, though.:wink:
Thanks for the welcome. It's my third Mesa, and I've never been disappointed with any of them.

There's an unbelieveable amount of information on this board and a horde of down-to-earth, regular, old-fashioned guitar junkies. Heaven. I'm looking forward to wasting many hours in front of my computer screen wandering through the posts.
Welcome PDad! Yeah, the 50 watt recto's should not be overlooked...a lot of versitility and can run with any 100 watt head on the block.

What do you think of your Voodoo mod on your Rectoverb? What kind of differences did you notice? I own a Rectoverb head which I might be selling to buy a Roadster head (not because I don't love the ROV, I just can't justify owning 3 heads :wink: ).

The only thing I would change about my ROV is the clean channel. It's not quite as clear and chimey as my Dual Recto's clean channel (even at low volumes). Channel 1 is still great on this amp, just not exactly how I like it. Channel two on the other hand is the reason why I bought this amp. It has just as much low end punch and girth as my Dual Recto with more than enough crunch! I would buy this amp again just for channel 2. If I wasn't buying a Roadster, I wouldn't sell my ROV for anything. $2k is a lot for an amp so I'm going to have to part with the ROV in order to afford the Roadster. :cry:
G.I.G. said:
What do you think of your Voodoo mod on your Rectoverb? What kind of differences did you notice? I own a Rectoverb head which I might be selling to buy a Roadster head (not because I don't love the ROV, I just can't justify owning 3 heads :wink: ).

The only thing I would change about my ROV is the clean channel. It's not quite as clear and chimey as my Dual Recto's clean channel (even at low volumes). Channel 1 is still great on this amp, just not exactly how I like it. Channel two on the other hand is the reason why I bought this amp. It has just as much low end punch and girth as my Dual Recto with more than enough crunch! I would buy this amp again just for channel 2. If I wasn't buying a Roadster, I wouldn't sell my ROV for anything. $2k is a lot for an amp so I'm going to have to part with the ROV in order to afford the Roadster. :cry:

I'm sorry you have to sell an amp--we all know how that feels!

I won't repeat all the details on the Voodoo mod. Suffice to say that Channel 2 still "feels" like a Recto, but the distortion now has a character that allows it to punch through the stage mix more successfully--just what I needed.

Channel 1 was my biggest surprise. The new output transformer really cleaned up the Clean setting! It's not Roland Jazz/Chorus clean, but it's much closer to a clean Fender than it was before the mod. I also use the Pushed setting a lot. I love it--great handfuls of old-time, set your Fender Princeton on "10" grind. If you can stand my overexhuberance, you can read more about my experience with Voodoo Amps here:

If you need it, the Voodoo mods can help a lot, but it's a bit costly, IMO. I feel it was worth it for me, and those guys are great.

With or without the mod, the Recto rocks. For me, it's even better with it. It's in a live setting with the rest of the band (drums, bass, keys and another guitarist) where the modded ROV really shines.
do you guys ever have a problem with a short delay in switching channels with the footswitch w/ single rectos ? i almost bought one a few years ago when they came out but I had heard about this problem from several users
Very cool--obviously there are lots of ROV lovers!

As far as channel switching problems, I haven't noticed any delay or undue noise when switching. Anyone else?
paleamberglow said:
do you guys ever have a problem with a short delay in switching channels with the footswitch w/ single rectos ? i almost bought one a few years ago when they came out but I had heard about this problem from several users
I've heard it talked about...maybe at Harmony Central, but have never experienced it myself.
Honestly, I've never been in a situation where I went from gain to clean so fast that I'd notice a half second delay(or whatever it is) To me it would be more of an issue going from boost to normal (lead to a rhythm sound) and I'm not sure I've experienced that.

paleamberglow said:
do you guys ever have a problem with a short delay in switching channels with the footswitch w/ single rectos ? i almost bought one a few years ago when they came out but I had heard about this problem from several users
paleamberglow said:
do you guys ever have a problem with a short delay in switching channels with the footswitch w/ single rectos ? i almost bought one a few years ago when they came out but I had heard about this problem from several users

Okay--I just gave my amp a short workout...the change between channels is, for all intents and purposes, instantaneous. There is MAYBE a tenth of a second delay (or less!) when switching --it seems to be just enough to avoid an annoying "Pop!" The change is completely noiseless on my amp. It would be undetectable during a live performance.
Koprofag said:
when she dies, i will fix her.

Priceless..the Victor Frankenstein of ROV owners!

Has anyone noticed a crackle in the reverb when using "Pushed?" It's not loud, but noticeable. Changing the preamp tube made no difference.
I have a single recto that I absolutely LOVE. I had one before but had to sell it so that I wouldn't have to live on the street. Its a long story. But when I moved to Alberta, I got another one when I started working again. I play it through a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab right now...eventually it will be a 4x12 of some flavor yet to be determined. No pedals at the moment...driven by a '62 Fender Jaguar with a Dimarzio PAF, and an Ibanez SZ520QM with a Dimarzio Super Distortion. The only way I would ever stop using this amp is if I died. Its perfect for what I do. That and I have a thing for 50 watt treasures. ;)
If you wanna hear and see it: There are 2 videos in the vids section of my band playing at a local songwriting contest hosted by Z99...a local station. We came in second by a lousy 3 points. But we get to record a demo and its gonna get we'll see. So I guess I owe some thanks to Mesa. ;)
Humbility said:
I have a single recto that I absolutely LOVE. I had one before but had to sell it so that I wouldn't have to live on the street. Its a long story.

tell the story, we have time :)
Koprofag said:
I will switch to passive pups any day now.

I've used EMGs in the past. I liked them very much, but got very tired of doing the 9 volt mambo. I switched to DiMarzios, which I've discovered I'm not crazy about in my guitar. The Evolution bridge is OK, but the Super Distortion neck is not what I'm looking for. It's pretty good in a clean mode, but too muddy for a distorted solo. The Evolution neck was no better. A fellow suggested the DM "Humbucker from Hell," but I really don;t want to give DiMarzio any more of my money.

My amp tech suggested Seymour Duncans--he was so enthusiastic you'd think he was getting a kickback. I don't need a super high output pup, so he suggested the SH-4 JB bridge and SH-2 Jazz neck. They sound great on the website, but all the clips sound suspiciously like the same riff with a different EQ.

Have you tried Seymour Duncan?
i'm also considering that exact same pickup configuration for my double fat strat... would be great to hear some reviews of those SD pickups
paleamberglow said:
i'm also considering that exact same pickup configuration for my double fat strat... would be great to hear some reviews of those SD pickups

Well, if no one has tried these bad boys, it smells like ONE of us will have to take the plunge and save the good name of the single rectifier!

I'll go shopping this weekend. I've got plenty of gigs coming up to give the SD pups a proper wringing out. More on this later!

In the meantime, let's hear more single recto stuff...