Single Rec Series I Footswitch Delay?

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Well-known member
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
Star City - River City
I'm tempted to look at a used Single Rec Recto-Verb 50 1x12 wide body for about 5 c-bills.

But I'm reading in a few places that people are bugged by a delay when stomping the switch to change channels? Some say if it weren't for that they would have kept the amp.

Anybody have that problem? Is it really a problem? If so, is there a fix for it? Do you live with it? Or did it make you move to a different amp? Is that problem solved or absent in the Series II?

BTW, is that a good price? (assume good condition, no issues)

There is a small delay in channel switching. I have a Rectoverb Series II and it's there. It's 0.2~0.3seconds. No fix.

It can be an issue for some. For me it doesn't matter that much. There is no excuse for Mesa to have released the amps this way, regardless of cost. I have a JSX and it's instant. I have an original Marshall JCM800 and it's instant. They sent man to the moon in 1969 with the computing power of a crappy 1970's digital watch.

As for the price, I've got no idea if it's a good or not. I live in Australia.
Blaklynx said:
It's 0.2~0.3seconds. No fix.

I played a single rec 50 last night, identical to the one I was tempted to buy.

It does indeed have a delay in switching. I didn't stop watch it, but it felt to me like almost a full 1 second delay, about 1/2 a second of completely cutting out the sound, then about 1/2 a second of the sound fading back in on the new channel.

Small issue, but definitely a complete deal killer for me. As others have stated elsewhere, I am quite amazed that Mesa ever let the amp go out the door with a design flaw like that. The only other amp I've ever had with that kind of flaw was a cheap chinese toy practice amp, Vox VT30. Even the other Vox toy amps did not have that problem.

Sorry, Messa.... great sound......fatal flaw.....achilles heal of the single rec amp world.

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