Single rec. owners

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Jun 14, 2005
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I am considering buying a mesa single rec. Before I buy it, I want to find out what the general likes/dislikes are from current single recto owners. Anybody got an opinion or a review for me?
Its a recto through and through.
The clean sound blows away the cleans of its bigger brothers.

Its also a bit brighter than its larger siblings. Id swear, of the current Recto line, the singles sound the best.

Sure you dont get the option of using the tube recto and all the other what nots, but if you are into more modern sounds, this amp has everything you need and nothing you dont.

This amp, like all other Rectos and many other Mesas is a bit tricky to set up. It can take a really really long time to really understand the tone stack.

Dont be fooled by the hype, the single is just as loud as all the others, it just breaks up faster. So if you are a heavy distortion type of person, this is your amp. Matter of fact, thanks to it breaking up sooner than the others, its more useable at lower volumes than any of the other big boys.

My biggest qualm with the current single rectos is that all the footswitches seem to have a slight delay in em.

Im kinda growing distant from mine, ever since I got an F100, but its definitely a great amp though.
My biggest qualm with the current single rectos is that all the footswitches seem to have a slight delay in em

Thankfully I haven't had that problem. The SR does take some time to dial in, like everyone says, read the manual. The clean sound is ok, I would recommend a chorus to liven it up. The vintage and modern channels are different enough to be useful. I just wish it had a third channel.
The reverb is pretty useless and the effects loop takes some tinkering if you use different brands of boxes. The footswitch does not have an LED for reverb and is connected with a DIN chord (at least on the combo version). Combos are in get a dolly.
Gain, sound flexibility (Everything from Bambi walking in a field to a really mad Chuck Norris going into a Cambodian refuge camp :D) Switching from El34's to 6L6's

mikelaunslager said:
I am considering buying a mesa single rec. Before I buy it, I want to find out what the general likes/dislikes are from current single recto owners. Anybody got an opinion or a review for me?
Hi Sorry it took me this long to comment. I Just bought, and I mean JUST, a single recto. I absolutly love mine. Great great sounding clean for a high gain amp, really versatile gain section. And I got it for the same price as the Peavey JSX that I was considering getting. THe single Recto owns it hands down. Just as loud and its less than half the wattage. (sry don't mean to compare 2 diff companies but the JSX was the other amp that I was really considering for a long time) Oh and that channel switching delay thing...from clean to distortion...almost nil, from dist. to clean though its a bit more noticable. But you know what? this thing sounds so good I'll get over it. In fact I already have. So if you havent already and are seriously considering it, buy one. you wont be sorry.

the real trick is you buy 2 single rectos and just A/B between them for distortion and clean sounds, but if your A/B box is delayed too then youre just plain fvcked.
lol 2 single rectos? Sounds like a plan. Hey man..I don't know you but can I borrow about 1700 dollars? I wanna buy another Single recto so I can A/B them.

OMG that would be really cool to do that but I had enough trouble saving for the 1 that I do have. What would you do if you have a bottomless wallet? Maybe that should be another thread.

Humbility said:
lol 2 single rectos? Sounds like a plan. Hey man..I don't know you but can I borrow about 1700 dollars? I wanna buy another Single recto so I can A/B them.

OMG that would be really cool to do that but I had enough trouble saving for the 1 that I do have. What would you do if you have a bottomless wallet? Maybe that should be another thread.


1700 for a SR? Where do you live?

If I had a bottomless wallet my Recto would be modified to all hell, and would be just one of hundreds of amps I would own.
I have a Rectoverb, which is the Single Recto with Reverb... I never played a dual or a triple recto...

But I must say that I absolutely LOVE the clean channel on this amp too. It's really " T H I C K ". That's the only way I can describe it. The dirty channel sounds awesome too. I like the raw setting and the vintage setting... haven't really used the modern setting yet.

But jeez... this amp has a presence in the mix. It doesn't just cut through, it PUNCHES through.

This might not be the case for the Single Recto, but on the Rectoverb, the footswitch comes with a DIN cable and has three buttons: Channel, Reverb, Solo. There is no light for the Reverb... like someone else said... that blows.

Another irk about the footswitch is the DELAY in switching channels when you step on it... it's like a half second delay. I think this is a huge mistake that Boogie made... and with the constant complaints I've read about it, it surprises me that they don't deal with this issue.

I wish the Single Recto had another channel... in between the clean and dirty....
lukeness said:
I wish the Single Recto had another channel... in between the clean and dirty....

Ive said it before, and I'll say it again...

That would kill this amp! Look what the extra ch did for the Dual and Tri recto. Unless Mesa drew something for the ground up for that idea, like for the Roadking, Im sure it wouldnt be that great, just like the DR and TR.
Honestly, this is where you need to explore your guitar's volume knobs. I always hated being married to a particular style of amp. The only thing I ask for is seperate clean/dirty and separate equalization on both. I have a traditional 2 volume 2 tone guitar and the variations of sounds are more than enough for just about anything. Now that being said they should've given the ability to switch between modes on each of the channels.

lukeness said:
I wish the Single Recto had another channel... in between the clean and dirty....
When I say I wish it had a channel between the two, I don't mean at the expense of the established tone. I think that's a given for anyone.

Even if I could switch between the Raw and Vintage modes, that'd be sweet. Seperate EQ for those would be better! Again, NOT at the expense of the established tone.
I'm with you on that. It's funny because at home in front of the couch, the vintage mode is just wonderful. When I get in a big room, the bassiness of it gets in the way of 90% of what I'm doing and I have to kick in the Modern mode. It would be nice to be able to switch between the 2 modes, but I guess Mesa didn't want to bundle a $300 foot pedal with the ROV :roll:

lukeness said:
When I say I wish it had a channel between the two, I don't mean at the expense of the established tone. I think that's a given for anyone.

Even if I could switch between the Raw and Vintage modes, that'd be sweet. Seperate EQ for those would be better! Again, NOT at the expense of the established tone.
I have a second series Rectoverb head and love it. Cleans are awesome and was blown away by them after reading alot of online threads about how they suck. I found mine used but in mint conditino online for 900. The guy had it for a practice amp with a triple for his touring rig, all the tags still on it, that a good deal?

I use a parametric eq in the loop, had to mod it myself to serial do to phasing issues with my delays and other modulations and wanting to use eq in the loop. Remarkably my friend was over playign my baritone with EMGs in it and was getting some heavy distortion on the clean channel that sounded like chevelle, emgs+ i'm using a Time Machien boost for both clean and ts9 boost. I've got a huge range of tones by playign with the volume knobs on my guitars in either clean or distortion mode.

The modern mode is super mean and cuts through, but i really like the vintage mode as well for having a "warmer" distortion where the treble isn't so harsh and solos can be much "smoother". Anybody else find that the case?
StrykeBack said:
The modern mode is super mean and cuts through, but i really like the vintage mode as well for having a "warmer" distortion where the treble isn't so harsh and solos can be much "smoother". Anybody else find that the case?

Yeah, thats where switching pickups or rolling off the volume a bit can come in handy.