Simul 295 power amp (two versions????)

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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I've noticed that there were two versions of the Simul 295 power amp. One with the controls on the front, and one with them on back. Also, it looks like the one with the controls on the back didn't have a presence control. Other than the obvious (controls on front/back, and the presence control thing) are there any differences, tone/feel?
Thinking about picking one up and wanted to know what to look for.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure about the versions. Mine was an early one with toggle switches (instead of rocker switches) and volume only controls.

2 X 6L6; and 2 X EL-34's on each side. Could do class "A" too, and Simul class.

It was awesome, and sounded much better than the 50/50 I replaced it with. :cry:

The Simul Stereo 295 was like a Hi-Fi McIntosh or sumpin'. Very round sounding and full spectrum all the way: plenty of bass; midrange; and treble. It could have benefitted from more presence maybe, but there are ways to compensate nowadays.

I ran it with a Studio pre-amp, and a Quad. A superb rig, but I'm using small combos now.

Very warm memories of that Simul 295 though. I never should have gone to the 50/50.
Thanks for your input!!
I'll be using it with a quad, as a backup amp. My main amp is a Triaxis and 2:90. I just picked up the quad 2 or 3 days ago, but that thing is so sweet. It might become my main amp, and the Triaxis my backup!
Yeah the 2:90 is the closest thing now to a Simul 295 for the sound (and "oomph").
The Quad is MarkIV based, which is why when I decided to go back to Boogie (from several years of low-powered "tweed" type amps), I went with a Mark I RI.

Not that the newer Boogies don't interest me. I think of it as a good start to a collection! :wink:
The Quad came out some time around 1986, and the Mark IV debuted in 1992. I remember wanting the Quad so bad, right after I graduated High school. Years later, I was trying to decide between the Mark IV, or the Triaxis.
Many, many years later, when I could actually afford it, the Quad was very affordable.
I'm not playing out, so the size of the unit is not an issue for me. I was able to piece my rig together over the years, and I've got quite a set up for around $1,000.00.
I was pretty fond of the Mark IV's too. I've had two... the first I traded in for my Triaxis settup. Few years later I bought another one, sold on ebay for some cash when I got into motorcycles. Regret that sale, but not nearly as much as regretting my purchase of the Dual Rectifier collecting dust. Pretty surprised with that amp, in a bad way. If they were so good at first, up to serial number 500, why doesn't Boogie go back to making them that way???