Simple Mark V wet-dry-wet rig

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Oct 8, 2012
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I picked up two Kustom 50W powered monitor wedges today and setup up a pretty portable wet-dry-wet rig.

I've got my Mark V combo with the fx loop disabled as the dry signal.

The slave output of the Mark V goes into a stereo chorus, and both output of the stereo chorus go into a stereo delay pedal. The mix on the chorus and delay are set to 100%.

Each of the delay pedal output goes to a monitor wedge.

The monitors cost $100 each. The setup sounds really good.
Great post. Eveyone screws around with speakers, cabinets, this and that, but where it all comes together is your live tone (or whatever) ,which in the end, unless you are completely unmic'd, is coming through places that are processing the sound after your speaker. I love the tone of my amp when I am sitting in front of it, but I love it more when I hear it through the mains and monitors. It's the sum of the parts that make the sound.

I think that everyone should give a little thought to your post and consider their means to an end. You have me thinking.
Very cool rig you designed. And as abe said " where it all comes together is your live tone". Your rig looks to be quite a bit easier to setup than mine.

I have a rig that is not a pure wet dry rig but it is close. I was too limited doing a strict wet/dry rig. I like delay in my loop (two of them actually) and I also have a phase 90, , MXR badass distortion, an original Wah and Rotovibe in front of the amp. Then to two 2x12 vert. cabs direct from the Mark V. Then a line send from a cabclone to the stereo end of it, stereo chorus, stereo reverb, stereo EQ and stereo power amp to two 2x12 compact cabs split on either side of the stage.

The sound is just huge awesome. I began with the intent to be pure analog but the Strymon pedals hooked me. so now it's mixed. The stereo section is digital....and the wireless...damn...

The rig has opened up many different soundscapes. I can use an effect just thru the stereo section to add a color but not cover over the original tone or I can go in front of the amp or in the loop if I want a full effect sound.

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