Serial number R-012020 which dual rec Revision is it?

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Thanks! Someone is giving me a good price (by European standards ;)). Is this the best revision of the old 2 channel dual rec? I have an early three channel model and thinking of selling it and buy the two channel version.


The most sought after version of the 2 channel recto is the Rev C and D, which are roughly the first 600 Rectos that were built. The Rev E and F are also good amps but since there are more of them, they are less valuable. They are not necessarily de facto BETTER than the other rectos, but they are clearer sounding with less mud and voiced to be brighter overall. The Rev F goes to around SN 2500 or a bit beyond that. The one you're talking about is the Rev G which is the garden variety 2 channel recto. It's darker, more compressed, and meaner sounding. A great amp to be sure, but it is nothing exceptionally rare or valuable.
YellowJacket said:
The most sought after version of the 2 channel recto is the Rev C and D, which are roughly the first 600 Rectos that were built. The Rev E and F are also good amps but since there are more of them, they are less valuable.

Not of Rev E, it is in fact the rarest 2-channel revision. Only about 100 were made, their serial numbers run from a little over 500 to a little over 600. The first 500 or so were Rev C and D.

It is debatable whether the E should be considered a "pre-500" revision, certainly not by their serial numbers, but because of their sound. Because of their rarity, few individuals have had the chance to A/B test an E and a C or D. (I haven't.) But based on what I've heard and read, the E would be sonically closer to a D than to an F.

As for the European going rates for Rev G Duals, I would take a look at the asking prices and closed deals on and There will probably be some variation per country. I would guess that 900-1100 or 1200 euros would be an ok price in Belgium, and certainly wouldn't pay over 1300 euros.

Oh, and don't sell your 3-channel Rec before trying the G first. While it caters the same core sound, more or less, its feel will be different. It is darker, smoother and warmer. It may have less 'fizz' than the 3-channel Rec, but you have to tweak your sounds a bit to have the same cut live.