Running an EQ with your rack gear for recording?

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The Magic Hoof

Well-known member
Dec 21, 2007
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The quad pre and I think the studio pre as well have some very different kinds of bass/mid/treble controls on them. I'm wondering if adding a hardware EQ unit to my rack will help me get to where I'm going. When recording it would be nice to go straight to the hardware EQ and not have to worry about fixing it in mixing.

Do any of you guys run a hardware EQ in your setups? A really important tidbit that I want to ask though is if having an EQ is necessary when recording a Quad or a Studio pre in a studio. Like I said the bass/mid/treble controls aren't like others and I'm thinking that maybe having a hardware EQ when recording will get me where I'm going. Give the Quad a bit more balls and be able to cut the unnecessary frequencies. Do you know if studios usually use an EQ with a Quad/Studio?