Running an EQ with a Quad...

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Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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I just got a new parametric EQ for my Quad. I've never used external FX with an amp so I'm a bit new to this, and after reading the Quad pre manual, I'm a bit confused as to how to run this properly. Apparently running FX with the Quad, it's all set up as 'send; FX. Well an EQ is an insert effect, so what's the best method to do this?

I read that there are two different knobs that control the amount of send. And I also read that instead of using the FX loop to just use the main outs, and then another single knob becomes your FX send level knob. Confusing.

Oh and, the EQ I got is only a single channel EQ so I guess I'll be using only a single output on the Quad and a single 8 ohm jack on my 295. I'm happy with that though. Is that how you guys have your stuff set up?
I'd say run it after the preamp, as with all other effects. You won't see many pro racks running effects in the effets loop of a preamp.
I'd run it after pre too. i never actually wanted a GEQ with the Quad.

snave: well, pro rack setup has a custom switching system so you can have bypass box, while running a pre>power setup leaves you always one with an effect that doesnt sport a true bypass. you can however switch off the FX loop. :)
edit: woops, just spotted you've written PARAMETRIC. :) good stuff.
I guess that means run the Quad into the EQ using the main outs?
if you want to have it on all the time, by all means. it wont make such a big difference. you can try both see what suits you better.