ROV loop question

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
OK, I think I'm ready...I read the manual...I experimented around the house and got a flange and delay (seperately not together) to sound decent at bedroom volume though the loop... Or at least that's what I thought at first. I started to notice an underlying "fizziness." It was minute, but there none the less. I tried each pedal, both had the same effect.

Now it seemed to me that I've read on here that folks do not like a parallel FX loop on the ROV's, DR's and TR's. Is that why? I unplugged the loop and it went away. I plugged in each pedal into the front and it was not present. Does a "series" mod correct this? I thought the delay was more pronounced through the loop but the delay, to my ear is fine in front or through the loop...if I can get rid of the fizziness.

FYI: My FX mix was about 50% and the pedal level was about 50%.
hey whats up again clutch71,,,,I own the rectoverb series 2 combo,
I cant recall any fizziness when using the loop but I have had problems using certain pedals which would create a sort of thumping sound.
I cant say exactly why this happens but I have found that while using certain pedals if I raised the bass or the volume level too high I would get that thumping sound. This has happened with EQ pedals when raising the bass and level too high and also with a MXR chorus pedal which had a bass boost,,when engaging the bass I would get that thumping.
My best guess is that adding volume level or too much bass in some way overdrives or overloads the loop circuit???
Anyways currently im running an EQ,delay,chorus,reverb and tuner in my loop and they all seem to work very well now. I also run the loop mix knob at full 90% all the time.

Im just wondering if anybody that reads this may know if changing the effects loop tube to a lower gain like a 12ay7 or something might help???
Good luck too you again