Roadster or Road King?

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Aug 12, 2009
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I've been very interested in getting a halfstack with a Rectifier head. Right now, it's narrowing down to either the Roadster or the Road King.

It's my understanding that the Road King has more tonal options for those of us willing to take the time to tweak it. I'm a complete tone freak, but the extra 800+ dollars is a bit of a push, and will probably force me to wait on a new cabinet for a while. Are the extra options the Road King provides worth the price? And what are the other differences between the two heads?

I mostly play modern music... post grunge, hard rock, pop, punk, nu metal and alternative, though I do enjoy metalcore once in a while, and old school metal. But I'm mostly going for a modern type of sound.
Do a quick search there are several threads on this topic. Here's one of them...
I recently got some EL34s and I really like them... would have been nice to have the Road King vs the Roadster to use the different set of tubes within the same amp.
Yes, there has been a lot of posts on this subject already. That being said, I just recently went through the same thing when I got my roadster. I couldn't justify the extra coin either. It's nice to have tonal options at your disposal, but really, even with the roadster, I am only using 2 of the channels. I can't imagine having a need for the cab switching and progressive linkage.