Roadster + Delay pedal. In effects loop or in front?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
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Where would you recommend placing a T-Rex Replica? in front of the Roadster or in the FX loop?
I have a replica going through the loop in my Roadster... all delays, to me, sound better through the loop.
Through the loop for me too. A delay in front, to me, sounds like crap, unless im playing something clean. As soon as I do some more metal sounds, it feels like the notes are clashing into each other and makes it sound out of tune, specially when doing bends. In the loop everything sounds natural and fits better.
I was toying around with my Nova Delay. Had it in front of the preamp, then in the loop. I'd say its definitely better in the loop. Doesn't affect the tone. You should have a delay on what you want to hear, not delay what goes into your preamp and then gets manipulated again....

I"m drunk by the way....
If you put it front, you will be overdriving your delay. It will sound like crap.

Definately in the loop
barneyc4 said:
Where would you recommend placing a T-Rex Replica? in front of the Roadster or in the FX loop?
do you want to delay disto or distort delay. im having the same dilemma but i'm leaning towards in front of it
Generally delay sounds way better in the loop than out front. Personally I run out front most of the time so I am faster setting up for gigs, if I have the time I usually go loop. The Roadster though does sound different (to me) when the loop is engaged vs not engaged.
Put it in the loop if you are using the amps distortion and put it in front but last in chain if you are using pedals for distortion.
Yep, in the loop. Think of it this way: if you put it in front, you're creating copied signals of the note before the amp applies gain/EQ/etc and introduces high level harmonic content (IE: GAIN!). This just creates a freaking mess. If you put it in the FX loop, you're copying the note AFTER all this gain and high end harmonic goodness has been added, which leaves you with a nice, crisp delay. In general, any time modulation FX (delay, chorus, flanger, as well as reverbs) should be added in the loop, not out front.
Shin Chan said:
barneyc4 said:
Where would you recommend placing a T-Rex Replica? in front of the Roadster or in the FX loop?
do you want to delay disto or distort delay. im having the same dilemma but i'm leaning towards in front of it

There is no dilemma here.

Sounds like **** in front of distortion.

In the loop is the only way to go.