I've found some settings that aren't bad, but I know it is capable of so much more. If you've found some to die for channel 1 (and 2) settings on your Roadster I'd love it if you'd share them. Thanks!
I've struggled with the cleans a bit because it kept clipping when it was anywhere near balanced with the volume of my high gain channels.
But I've found it works better for me if I use the controls subtractively rather than boosting. Starting with all the controls flat at 12 noon, I find the sound cloudy with my guitar. (I'm using a PRS SC250, which is optimized for high gain sounds and probably always gives a slightly compromised clean sound.) If I boost the treble for clarity/shimmer, I get more clipping than I'd like. But if I leave the Treble and Mid flat at noon and roll back the Bass, it works better for me.
I'd have to look at my amp to remember my Gain and Presence settings, but I know my Treb and Mids are at 12 noon and my Bass is at about 10:30. I think my Presence is set pretty high because it doesn't add gain like the Treble does but merely allows the nice open highs through.
It really depends on what you expect for clean right? The term clean is very loose, specially when talking about the voicing of channel one on a roadster. The roadster cleans are not only very flexible in terms of tone, they are also very musical sounding!
What are you trying to achieve?? Fender spanky, roland jazzy, hetfeild width?? You can get very close to all of these sounds in channel one!
On page 18 of the manual, there is a "versa clean" recommended setting. I started with that. Don't be afraid to use the gain control!! I find it adds sparkle to the clean sound! You can dial any fizz out with your volume control on your guitar. You should really experiment with each knob and see what effect it has on the channel.
Oh, also, I have my clean channel on diode/100w while ch2 and ch3 are 50w. This gives me tonnes of headroom on ch1 and perfect breakup and volume balance for my dirty channels. I use ch4 in diode/100w to get the headroom I need for soloing.
my cleansettings are:
channel 1 set to tweed, 100 watt, diode rectifier, presence at 11, bass at noon, mid at 1-2, treble at 1 and gain 3-4 o´clock.
gain is depending on the output of the pickups, but for me, this settings work great.
sweet. thanks guys. I guess I'm looking for a few different things ranging from Fender spanky, roland jazzy, to hetfeild width. Just wanna mess around with them all and write down the different settings so that it's an easy switch depending on what I'm in the mood to play. I have messed around with all the different settings provided in the manual. I like the versa clean the most. Actually I think that is what I have it set to right now. I was messing around with raising the gain closer to 1-2 o'clock though.